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sunnyJet3171 2 days ago

My anxiety often comes out as rage and I hate it. I don’t want to yell or scream all the time. I don’t want to explode on my family for the most minor things. What are some things that help keep your rage at bay when you’re feeling anxious?

calmingcomfortero 5 hours ago

Hello. I find drinking water helps. A sip takes your mind off the trigger for a few seconds as you experience the sensation of being cooled down and being in touch with the healing power of water. Write down about what is causing your anxiety and if you feel like you are going to explode, excusing yourself from the situation may help.


I used to have stronger emotional reactions before I went on some anti psychotic medications. Are you entirely sane? I endured some serious annoyance with almost a smile yesterday and was impressed at the power of the medicine. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist. They can help a lot of you find a good one.