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New here but not new to anxiety

SunshineCheyenne93 January 10th

Man there is so much to say. I could give yall a whole back story but instead I’ll give a basic back story; 30 year old, newly blind, stay at home mom of a 7 yo and 4 month old. Husband works full time and is the soul income provider. i go tomorrow for my check up to get my anxiety medication refilled but I’ve been off of it for a month now. So I know it’s going to take some time to get back in my system. So what do y’all do to cope with anxiety?

thoughtfulmomma January 12th


Hi Sunshine,  Welcome to 7Cups!  I'm sorry that you're having to deal with blindness, but I wanted to share with you an organization that does amazing things here on the east coast.  It's called Lighthouse Guild and they are just wonderful.  You may not be near them to take advantage of their support for visually impaired people, but they might be able to recommend organizations in your area that can help.

Blindness is scary - but the technology and innovation that is out there now to assist is... it's just amazing.  I just wanted to share this with you.

As for coping with anxiety - we all have to learn different ways of dealing with it, because we're all different with our anxiety.  What are things that comfort and relax you?