January Check-In
Hiii all! And happy Thursday. Here's to our first check in for the new year! Let's hear about you😁❤️
Feel free to answer any or all the questions, or just say hi!
1. How's the new year going for you so far?
2. What is the biggest challenge you're currently facing?
3. How are you currently coping with your anxiety?
4. How can boosting self esteem affect our anxiety level? 🤔
5. What is something you wish to be discussed in the anxiety community?
Looking forward to your answers.🦋💚
1. Year has been bad until about 3 days ago. But I'm alive and well.
2. School/ my own personal mental health.
3. Giving myself breaks as needed, trying to do journalism.
4. Knowing that i can and will get through my struggles.
5. Im good with whatever.
Thx for tagging me. (:
1- The new year so far has been good with some fear of the unknown future popping up every so often. I’m great when there is something that needs to be done, but when left with my own thoughts I get caught up in “what ifs” scenarios that are scary.
2 - As an only child I’m helping support my aging, declining parent.
3- Keeping busy with light work or errands helps keep me out of my head. Meditation works some of the time but again I get in trouble when I’m alone with my thoughts. Also have meds I can take if needed.
4 - I think anytime you feel good about yourself helps when faced with challenges.
5 - Health Anxiety and Anxiety of the Unknown