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General venting

Staryskies03 August 17th

Lately I'm realising that people drain me. I am a working professional who moved to different city. I don't struggle to socialize but I have lost interest in maintaining relationships. I feel they come with a lot of expectations which I will not be able to fulfill because I like to put myself first. Many a times I feel drained from work so I don't want to hang around with people in general. For me socialising is going once in every few months (maybe 6-7) and then I like to be alone. And I enjoy my alone time. I enjoy doing nothing. I enjoy having my own routine which generally starts from yoga and then in between I watch something. And then go for a long walk by myself. Sometimes I feel like am I missing anything when I see people having relationships/ immersing them into friendships. Let me know if anyone has felt something similar or wanted to share their perspective?

calmingcomfortero August 18th

Hello. It looks like you have made a realisation. It is valid that after being drained from working, socialising regularly is a chore and you feel like not doing it. If you prioritise and enjoy me time, I don’t see being alone a bad thing. You don’t have to conform and force yourself to socialise regularly. Socialising does have its pros and cons. When we make a choice we gain something as well as give up something. If you are comfortable with your choice, I encourage you to go ahead and live your life the way you like. (P.S you know you are drained from regularly socialising, so by socialising regularly you miss out on an important need to recharge. There’s pros and cons to me time too)

OhLookItsRay August 18th

I certainly do. Lately, especially, as I do healing work with things, I find my social battery quickly depleted. I'm married, work a job, and the like. You're definitely not alone.

I understand losing interest in maintaining relationships when you feel so drained by daily life. Sometimes, I struggle to maintain the ones I have (I have four friends). My job takes a lot out of me.

Funny enough, I still long for connection even though my battery runs dry easily. I spend time with someone and then want to retreat to the safety of being alone.

Everyone's built differently, but there are many who are built similarly... I relate to your feelings.

My perspective is definitely that there might be an unmet need somewhere in your life. Humans are social creatures and need connection, but connection for you might look different than what other humans are doing. And that's perfectly valid. You're aware of your feelings, and that's pretty awesome.

Olive1Q82 August 19th

Yes, I feel exactly the same way. I do not enjoy socializing. As a working professional who works in a corporate office in the automotive industry this is particularly challenging as people do not stop talking—ever! I actually talk way more now than I used to but it’s never enough for the extroverts who are also on energy drinks haha. It’s exhausting…