Financial Anxiety
Backstory: Myself and my gf are a single income household. She is medically disabled and receives monthly SSI that she gives me a part of for rent and expenses. I work in IT.
I have an overwhelming fear of not being able to make it financially. The new owners of our apartment complex raised our rent by almost 300 dollars last year. I've been able to make it month to month but I have very little savings and all it would take is one major emergency (car break down, job loss) to ruin us. I've been job searching but the market in our area is not great and I get really bad interview anxiety and I'm afraid to leave the stability of my current job. I've cut expenses as much as I possibly can and I've been selling unneeded items. I do have a bad habit of eating out too much for lunch and I try to meal/snack prep but sometimes I get lazy or have bad days and eat out mainly as a coping mechanism.
I'd like to find another source of income like a part time job but I feel so drained physically and emotionally all the time.
Any advice or tips would be appreciated.
Hi Tech! 😊 ❤️ Thank you for creating this forum post and for reaching out! I commend you my friend! I know that many times it takes a great deal of courage to do so!
You know, I really have to say that I so admire you and respect you! It's so very refreshing to see a post like this where someone is simply letting everyone know how things are, the path that they have chosen to take, have taken responsibility for their decisions to be in a relationship with someone that just so happens to be disabled medically with out blaming them, being resentful towards them, etc. I imagine you would never dream of doing such a thing however, sometimes people move to blame shifting to another person for all of their problems under stressful situations. Must say, this is what absolutely stopped me in my tracks, pulled at my heart strings and has inspired me to reply to you!
*rolls up sleeves*😊 While I cannot provide advice, meaning "you should go and do this", what I can offer to you are tips and tricks that I use in daily life that serve me well to help answer your direct question or things that I have heard that work well for others. Simply a sharing of information in effort to be helpful. Please feel free to never subjugate your thoughts, feelings or process for mine. I am more than happy to brainstorm with you, toss around thoughts and Ideas to see if they may work for you.
I can understand the fear of not being able to make it financially. I must say, you are someone that is paying attention to your budget, what it is that has changed, what it is that you have done to cut corners and not "hiding" from the situation which is soooooooooo amazing! I'll try to go in order based on what it was that you mentioned....
The rent being raised and by so very much with out notice is definitely a hardship. While you may not be able to move immediately or may not want to, a good review of your lease could help. It would be good to know your rights and if raising of the rent would constitute them "breaking the original lease agreement" which could give you the flexibility to move to another apartment which comes with a lower price tag if you so choose without having concern of a lease agreement date.
If that is not an option, knowledge of the yearly lease and the date to re-up or opt out could help. It would give time to search, find apartments in your area that might be to your liking as well as ones that are in your price range and move al
Moving companies if needed to help move your belongings can be costly so you could weigh the benefits versus cost with that as well. Many times holding 2 leases at once (the other a month before you need it) can be cost effective to "buy you time" to move many things to the new place on your own and with the help of friends and family to load up vehicles or the rental of a U-haul (smaller one that does not require you to hold a CDL liscence).
It can also be beneficial for your home life (many things already set in place prior to the day of the true move in for living there), work life (not last minute rushing to disrupt your work performance) and could bring a sense of comfort to your girlfriend who has some physical limitations knowing that many things are already there, waiting for her and that life will be less disruptive. (You can move as much as you can prior with out it being disruptive to either of you).
I agree. There is much to be said for stability in your current job. I'm certainly not a big fan of changing everything all at once. Everyone needs and deserves to have some sense of safety and stability in their lives and perhaps knowing that you are gainfully employed, a constant stream of income could be the calm in the storm for the moment.
Meal prep/snack prep can be difficult to do in advance when one is already stressed. Clearly a lot is on your mind. Thought for you? Wondering if you would like to consider dinner first? This happens in most homes. One must eat. Sometimes noticing what is on sale at the grocery store that week can be a big help for what to make for dinner. One could cook based on what is on sale, after purchasing, making dinner meals that produce a high yield and also that freeze nicely based on certain recipes.
Cook once, electricity used once, dirty pots and pans washed once that were used to cook and then freeze it off in batches for future dinners as well as lunches. Ta-dah! 💡Also saves on your time which is the "stored labor" technique. Once you get on a roll and do this every week, you will have a freezer packed with wonderful options for lunches and dinners that you can put into rotation as long as you simply label it correctly. ( funny, I use blue painters tape and a black sharpie for freezer containers or Gallon size Ziplock Freezer bags that I use the sharpie to write on directly).
You simply decide what you would like for the next days lunch or dinner and let it defrost in the refrigerator over night before re-heating. Eat like a king while living on a shoe string budget, lol. 😊 Once you get into the habit, cooking this way could even become a new hobby.
Just sayin' if you like it that much, lots of breakfasts that you can do this way as well. One can be a "weekend warrior", stock the freezer and have relaxing weeks. This is a very cost effective way to live and it's fascinating how much money that you save all the way around (including your utility bills).
A really easy money maker is getting a U promise credit card. It isn't just for college savings for children. You can have it set up where you get a monthly auto deposit into your account. They pay you back (percentage) on everything that you purchase on that card. You can use that card for everythinggggggggggggg and pay the entire balance at the end of the month when the bill comes. You pay them zero interest, they pay you to use the card.
They (Upromise) also have programs where they pay you to take surveys, pay you to play free games and highlight items that you will get a complete refund for if you purchase them. You simply keep the receipts and show them that you purchased the items. for me! 😊 Even if you don't use these items for your household, a family member might, a friend, a co worker or you can even donate them to a homeless shelter or food bank. They are truly common household items that many of us use all of the time.
Saving money can even become a hobby in and of itself.
I'm kind of a "begin how you plan to continue" person so....If you like any of these concepts...I'm still here to help if you like for recipe ideas, freezing techniques,etc.
I'm hoping something, anything I said may be of help to you. 😊 If not, perhaps someone else may come along and see some value in the tips and tricks. Hoping others may come along, peek at this thread and offer some ideas as well. I'd love to learn also.
Maybe what is most important is me caring about you and how you feel. I do! I know life can be so hard sometimes. You are not alone my friend!
I send you big big *hugs* ❤️
Thanks for the advice. I wanted to provide an update on kind of where I am financially. As of now I am up to 131.37 between my two savings accounts (local bank savings and Capital One Savings). I've set up automated transfers of $10 each to my savings accounts and HSA each paycheck. Not the greatest but it's a starting point.
As an aside I signed up with an Upside account in November 2023 to earn cashback whenever I get gas. Obviously I won't be able to retire with this but I can let it ride for a year and cash it out into either paying down debt or drop into a savings account.
Well done my friend! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️