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Anxiety and Panic has consumed my life

gentleCamp5235 February 12th

I am really struggling with my anxiety and panic attacks. This is something I've dealt with for almost 13 years and as you can imagine, I have had my ups and downs with it. I do receive therapy and I am on medication for it. I was doing really good for a while until I had a bad breakup last year. I handled it well for the most part (or so I thought), but I am not sure if I was burying my feelings at the time. A few months later I had horrible panic attacks and my dpdr was back. Now fast forward to today, I can barely leave my house and I am terrified of driving with my dpdr symptoms. I feel stuck and alone. I don't know how I am going to get better. I'm constantly crying because I'm tired of feeling scared to be alone. 

Essy1990 February 12th

Hello dear @gentleCamp5235,

It seems like you are going through a tough time right now. I can imagine that after feeling good for quite some time, you wonder if you were coping well. That must be a confusing thought.

I'm so sorry to hear you lonely and stuck at this point. That is why I am proud of you for sharing here. It can be tempting to not move mentally when you feel stuck, but here you are, reaching out and taking a first step to make you feel less lonely in the end.

Your tears are understandable, and you are allowed to cry. Just know that you don't have to be alone in all of this. Don't hesitate to send me a message if you need someone to listen.

Hold on and remember that things can change. If they can change in a way that makes you sad, it can also change in a way to make you happy again one day. Maybe it will take some time, maybe it goes with little steps, but dear, you took the first one here.

You are incredibly brave.



passionateEast3565 February 13th

Try this

passionateEast3565 February 13th

Try social media to overcome lonliness

gentleCamp5235 OP March 1st

@passionateEast3565 I am on social media, but it doesn't help my mental health that much. Ironically, I feel more alone and like I am behind in life, since so many people my age are married, have kids, etc.

passionateEast3565 March 4th

I am too in such situations 🙃 but i keep eye to make potential relation with friends

passionateEast3565 March 4th

Get therapy then they may help you figure out your prb