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low level background anxiety

affableStrings4654 September 3rd, 2023

back from vacation and starting to slip back into my regular life. It's amazing how much not having responsibilities can positively impact your mental health!

now that I am back, it feels like i'm forgetting something important again. A slow, creeping feeling of unease that just wont' go away. New things are scary again. ( ex. i'm starting some work at a new venue, with better pay and a little more responsibility, but it's too many unknowns and i'm trying not to freak out)

My scope of the future seems to be shrinking again. I gotta focus on the next two weeks, instead of the full scope of my life. I know that i can bring meaning to my existence just by being me, but there's so much to maintain! (health insurance, bills, physical health, nutrition, etc)

And because I'm working again, i feel like all of my time is slipping away. I'm not even full time but i have been working way more hours than before my vacation. I've piled my plates too high, and i can't seem to relax anymore because i always want to get things done. I have to be careful that it doesn't slip back into mindless productivity and anxiety about not making it.

pandanfe September 7th, 2023


It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed when transitioning back to your regular routine after a relaxation vacation. I also completely understand where you're coming from. It's tough when you find yourself constantly consumed by work or studies, leaving no room for relaxation. And since you've successfully navigated similar challenges by taking breaks from these responsibilities, you've got strength to adapt to these new responsibilities too.

I've been in a similar situation, and it can be incredibly frustrating. However, I've encountered that giving some space (even for a small break) for self-care can make a huge difference in the life. Feel free to reach out if you want to chat. I'm here for you. I'm here for you.

coco128 September 13th, 2023

Well said :)

coco128 September 13th, 2023

I agree with you! I’ve felt that way before. I hope everything is going okay!