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The Future

AGirlWithAWeirdName August 27th, 2023

Lately, I find myself worried and scared. I am at this stage of my life where I constantly question what would be my next move after bagging all these degrees. Everyone has high expectations of me and I feel this heavy weight on my shoulders. I don't know which is heavier - the fact that people have high expectations of me or the fact that some are waiting for me to mess up but I can't give them that satisfaction.

To be honest, I don't know what to do after this. I've hidden under the umbrella of education for too long, and it's almost time up. I don't know, maybe I am just being dramatic...

spicyavocado3788 August 27th, 2023

Well first of all, congrats on the degrees! That’s a great accomplishment that you should be really proud of. It makes sense to feel a lot of pressure from the people around you who expect you to do big things. You can’t make everyone happy though and that’s literally something I need to hear everyday Lol. It’s your life. So make sure whatever you decide to do, it feels good to you.