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diamondintheROUGH2022 May 28th, 2023

Today has been awful as I’ve had to deal with the control of kids father play his mind games just to get my daughter back and remind you he took her when I had a bad reaction to a medication almost died the first thing he thought to do was come to hospital steal my phone go to my moms take my kid for 5 days those 5 days I couldn’t think I couldn’t get anything done I cried cried and cried held on to her baby doll slept with it it was brittle and so today I played his head game and got her back my anxiety was through the roof sweating shaking irritable fear rational thinking idk how I’m going to face him in court when I just lose all my power in fear when he is around it’s been brutal trying to leave him having little to zero recourses help or support is draining me I’m drained but one happy momma to be able to cuddle my girlie and not her baby doll

I hope every one else’s day was more on the light side and if your struggled at all stop and look in the mirror because you got through it and if your still struggling remember to breath work out listen to music reach out take a bath and allow that time for your self to get through it anxiety is frigging scary it hard and it’s far from a good time but your all bad *** strong individuals and we all can make it have a blessed day

Mya000 June 3rd, 2023


I'm really sorry to hear about the difficult and challenging situation you've been going through with your daughter's father. It must have been incredibly distressing and overwhelming for you when he took her while you were dealing with your own health issues. It takes a lot of strength and courage to navigate through such circumstances, especially when you feel powerless and drained.

It's great to hear that you were able to play his mind games and get your daughter back. Being reunited with her must have brought you immense comfort and happiness. It's also important to acknowledge your own resilience and the strength you've shown throughout this ordeal.

Remember to take care of yourself during these tough times. Self-care is crucial, and finding moments to breathe, engage in activities you enjoy, and seek support can make a difference. You are absolutely right that anxiety is scary and challenging, but you are not alone in facing it. Your words of encouragement to others show compassion and strength.

If you ever need someone to talk to or further support, don't hesitate to reach out. You're doing an incredible job, and I hope that brighter days lie ahead for you and your daughter. Have a blessed day as well.

diamondintheROUGH2022 OP June 9th, 2023

Thank you for reaching out your encouragement and kind words all do so much more justice then one would realize or think I appreciate you hope all is well with you me and my mini are currently working out with our hands and weights haha so cute