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Because of toxic person , situationship , trapped me in emotional drama

vanita66 August 20th

It's perplexing to see how people tend to reappear in our lives only after we've finally learned to adapt and move forward. They emerge from the shadows, making their presence known, as if to remind us that they still exist. But when we need them the most, they vanish into thin air, leaving us with just a whisper of their existence. It's as if they're playing a game of hide and seek, where we're left searching for answers that never come.

This has been my experience with someone for the past three years. Despite my efforts to distance myself, they continue to resurface, only to disappear again when I need them most. They've made it a habit to regularly text me, making me feel like I'm still a part of their life, even though they're not invested in mine. It's an emotional trap that I've fallen into, where I find myself thinking about them more than I should, and less about my own well-being.

I know I should break free from this toxic cycle, but it's hard to let go when someone has a hold on your emotions. I need to remind myself that their behavior is not my responsibility, and that I deserve better than to be treated like a yo-yo, constantly being pulled in and pushed away.

I don't understand why people do this. When we adjust and move on with our lives, they suddenly show their presence. Then, when we think of them, they'll message or call us, but when I need them, they're unavailable. One person has been doing this to me for three years, and because of them, I've failed 5 times in my exam .

Despite blocking them, they've called me 26-40 times, saying they can't live without my texts. But they remain secretive about themselves and don't think about me at all. They've emotionally trapped me, making me think less about myself and more about them subconsciously. I know they're a manipulative person, and I shouldn't bother with them, but they've regularly texted me for three years, making it a habit. When I try to maintain distance, they'll call, message, and emotionally trap me. They'll message me on their own terms and ignore me or give diplomatic answers when I try to reach out."

Tinywhisper11 August 20th

@vanita66 aww sweetie I'm sorry your caught up in all this🙁 I think a lot of people can be very self centred and just plain ignorant to other people. Maybe they never matured properly. I know it's not easy, or it might make you think your the one in the wrong, like you're being a bad friend, if you cut this person out of your life. But you know that it's the right thing to do ❤ you deserve better ❤ hugs you tightly ❤ it's time to stop thinking about their needs, and concentrating on your own needs ❤❤

vanita66 OP August 20th

Yay now I'm doing this only...


WellsFiction August 20th

@vanita66 Hi Vanita. I completely understand you. It can be so mentally draining, dealing with people who act like this. I'm sorry you're dealing with it, but I'm glad you're aware and sticking up for yourself. that's good. I've learned the less you think and worry about things the easier it gets. It's not easy, yet so worth it :)

vanita66 OP August 20th

Yes now lastly I decided to let go fully and when I let it go ,

I never turn back .....!!!