@ricktgarrett I can’t see the emoji, which one is that?
@Sheena39 <3 purple
@humorousBlueberry4305 I’m sorry to hear that. Hugs 🫂 if wanted. Is there anything I can do for you?
@pinkCoconut2790 Sorry to see that. Hugs 🫂 if wanted. Is there anything I can do for you?
@xxvxvx Sorry to see that. Hugs 🫂 if wanted. Is there anything I can do for you?
somewhere between the yellow and green heart :) it's giving lime
@ricktgarrett Sorry to see that. Hugs 🫂 if wanted. Is there anything I can do for you?
@jasishereforallofu Sorry to see that. Hugs 🫂 if wanted. Is there anything I can do for you?
I'm feeling blue and purple. It's been a rough couple of years. I feel like every time I get back to myself, something hits me hard and knocks me further down. Its family, my marriage, my grief, my job, and my own thoughts.I go into spurts of exercising and feeling better and then I get depressed and stop. Or I wont feel good and I swear I will exercise the next day, and I don't. Then I get upset because I feel like I failed. I want to be happy and be myself. But I feel like the more I become myself (standing up for myself and speaking up) I get more angry because I am pushing people away and not caring. I do this because they don't care so I move on. My goal this week is to try a bit harder to get better mentally. Even if its a little bit, I need to get better and take it as a win.
Hey, I know doing something like exercising consistently is hard, but you seriously got this. Yes, there will be ups and downs, but from the way that you typed out that message, I know that you got this, even if you don’t feel like it. Also hugs 🫂 if wanted.