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We are sorry, but we are figuring it out!

FrenchToast March 1st, 2022

Hello all. Lately, there has been a lot of confusion about aging up with members. Whether it is aging up the first day of your birthday month, or aging up on the day of your birthday, and/or aging up the first day of the month that comes after your birthday month. And for that, I am truly sorry. I know aging up is a very stressful time period. As a community member, you create connections, make friends and many other things that go away when you age up. I understand that having all of that suddenly taken away from you because of misinformation is incredibly frustrating and upsetting. Everyone deserves a proper goodbye and a smooth transition onto the adult side of 7 Cups. I apologize if things have been made harder for you as a teen aging up. I apologize if anyone from the adult side set your expectations wrongly. For that, I take full responsibility and I wanted to let you all know that the team, including myself, is working towards the problem.

At the moment, it seems to be a technical issue that isn't allowing us to figure out when exactly a teen member ages up. But we are figuring it out and I wish to have an update for everyone very soon! But until then, please hold on tight ❤️ The Teen Transitioning Mentor team is there for you at every step of the way as am I. My PMs are always open and you can always submit a request for a Teen Transitioning Mentor. They are here to help you and support you as this can be a confusing journey.

Thank you for being so patient with us! You are heard, loved, and valued, and nothing is more saddening than to put you in a place of struggle. Please do regularly check back here for an update!


This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here.

brilliantTurtle89 March 2nd, 2022

Thanks for clarifying. Teenies, you are much loved and valued here. We are always happy to support❤️❤️

March 2nd, 2022


my birthday is today...i am not in the adult side yet..not sure if i entered the wrong date by mistake...but my member account is in the adult side already

MistyMagic March 2nd, 2022

@friendlyHorizon9757 Hi! I am one of the Teen Transitioning Mentors so maybe I can help you here.

At the moment member accounts are changing sides on the 1st of the month at midnight GMT.

The listener accounts don't seem to be changing until the actual birthday.

So I don't think you entered the wrong date, but if you are worried then you can pm and they can check for you.

The team is here to help you and you can click here ~~> submit a request <~~ click here for a Teen Transitioning Mentor.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

March 2nd, 2022


GoldenNest2727 March 2nd, 2022


Happy Birthday Horizon9757! I hope you have a wonderful day! Can't wait to see you around on the adult side. ☺️

FrenchToast OP March 2nd, 2022

@friendlyHorizon9757 First of all, happy birthday! Welcome to the adult side! ❤️

As for your account switching, your member account seems to have aged up on the first of your birthday month, aka 1st of March. Your listener account, however, will age up on your birthday in GMT time zone. It's important to note that it's done in GMT time zone. It's possible that it may not be your birthday yet in GMT time zone but it will be soon and that's when you will switch. Teen Transitioning Mentors are available if you have any questions! Free to PM me if you still want to discuss this ❤️

Compassionheart89 March 2nd, 2022

Hello, I don't know about ageing up but I recently lost a lot of my previous chats, so can no longer reach out to members with whom I had been continuously chatting; is there a reason for this? can it be rectified? thanks

MistyMagic March 2nd, 2022


Hi, there can be several reasons for this. Sometimes the member blocks you and they can do this just to end the chat so it doesn't always mean you have done anything wrong. Or the chats are too old and have scrolled out of view.

Did you recently age up, as that will remove all the teen chats until the ATL status is achieved.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Laura1989 March 2nd, 2022

@MistyMagic i don't really know what aging up is but i think no. yes it could be but the majority of my past chats have disappeared all at the same time, so the blocking seems unlikely.

MistyMagic March 3rd, 2022

@Laura1989 Aging-up is the process that happens when teen users reach their 18th birthday. Maybe it is possible that the person you were chatting with has turned 18 and been automatically moved to the adult (18+ or 'Oldie' side)? There are usually logical reasons for losing chats or chats disappearing, feel free to me or who will help you more.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic March 2nd, 2022


Thanks so much for posting this and keeping everyone informed. I hope it is sorted soon, but it isn't your fault Toast! You are doing an awesome job for the team, thank-you! ❤️

Listening - One Step At A Time!

exuberantClementine3104 March 2nd, 2022

@FrenchToastClub I have absolutely no clue what "ageing up" is but I know for a fact that I put the wrong Year in for my age. I don't really understand a lot of what's going on here.

FrenchToast OP March 2nd, 2022

@exuberantClementine3104 No worries, can you PM me with details?

SynSavory March 4th, 2022


Thank you for clarifying. I will pass on the info into the chatrooms.

GeminiPrincess08 March 7th, 2022

@FrenchToastClub, is there a separate 7cups website for adults? Or is it this website (say, for a teen who just turned into an adult)?
FrenchToast OP March 7th, 2022

@GeminiPrincess08 It's the same, Gemini! The teen will automatically age up and their dashboard will look different! Let me or a TTM know if you have more questions <3

GeminiPrincess08 March 8th, 2022

@FrenchToastClub, ok! Thanks!

P.S.: I found out about this website yesterday and I just want to say... I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I'm even going to see if my school counselor can have all the students use this!! ❤️❤️