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You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because.....

Hope November 3rd, 2020

Hi Teens & Adult-teen Listeners! I hope you are well. The Adult-Teen Listener process can be scary for some oldies and at times it can be helpful to hear from teens themselves! So why don't we create a thread for our adult listeners on why they should consider joining the teen side!

So please fill the following blank with the most compelling argument!

You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because.....

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This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here.

LightofWorld November 5th, 2020


To help anyone who may be struggling as a teen or adult.

blissart November 3rd, 2020


You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because.....many of adult listenrs can be new adults and just be near teen side, many will be parents to teens , many will be in work dealing with teens and understanding of their needs and all adults have already lived life past teens and must be able to relate with teenage turmoils and with all their experiences , they can be a wonderful support to the younger generation

SummerBreeze00 November 3rd, 2020


You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because you can support both teens and adults who need a helping hand and a empathic heart. Everyone deserves to be heard, supported and understood. heart

JoyfulUnicorn November 3rd, 2020


You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because.... it gives us the ability to use our own personal experiences of life to support others so they dont have to go through what we may have been through alone. For me personally growing up with physical health issues developing was scary and lonely and i want to make a difference so others dont have to feel that way. I had no 'young person' with my issues that i could look up to and i want to be that person for someone else! <3

Dino12 November 3rd, 2020

You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because it helps expand the amount of support teens get, and from those potentially older and more experienced than people their own age. It can help create a more diverse group of listeners for teens, and broader support. It also provides adults with more ways to help out and be involved. I think teens can really benefit from having adults to choose from when talking to a listener, and if you're considering being an Adult-Teen Listener, maybe you can help them out

aeris156 November 3rd, 2020


you should become an ATL because before i turned 18 i relied on and needed the support of older listeners and their perspective! teens are wonderful at supporting other teens but sometimes we just need a supportive older figure too heart i became ATL after i aged up and i don't regret it at all!

calmKitty2913 November 3rd, 2020


You should become an adult-teen listener because teens can offer a fresh perspective on life. There's also such a freeing feeling in helping out teens, and talking to them can give you hope.

hopefulOcean7633 November 3rd, 2020

You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because It helps us gain a fresh perspective on the "adults of our future" and the problems they face today. In addition, they really appreciate an adult's guidance. Feelings that are muddled for an adult can be completely overwhelming for the teen set. It's harder for them to see the big picture and sometimes they need an adult to help them see it.

It's so rewarding to hear how much they respect and appreciate the support!

MistyMagic November 9th, 2020

You should become an ATL because it gives you the opportunity to join in with all the teen fun activities and more importantly you can then help to support our younger community. Teens need You!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Iheartguineapigs February 7th, 2021

How do I become one?

Gracey February 7th, 2021


Hey there! You can find out more information about becoming an Adult Teen Listener and apply here smiley

iCareUK September 1st, 2022


I just came across this post, which is rather confusing, I was given this link in the Listener Support Room, however I had previously emailed 7 cups, so after finding this post, 7 cups responded by saying "Hi ,

Thank you for contacting 7 Cups. Due to you being an adult, you can not listen to minors.

Thank you,
The 7 Cups Team

FinleyTews March 21st, 2021

I really enjoy being an ATL, it's lovely to be able to support teens as well as feel their vibrant energy and put myself back into a younger mindset. If you believe that age is not determinative of wisdom then you are likely to do well in the ATL role!

amiableVision1813 November 16th, 2022

@Hope It will help you do more work when you are a mentor.

gentleemperor November 16th, 2022

Heyo! 🐧💛

I think that you should become an adult teen listener to give the teens yet another awesome person who can hear them out and offer support them when needed 😎

I also believe that diversity (in age in this case) is great and that it will give you new perspectives on things and leaves opportunities to learn from each other. It can be great talking to someone with a similar background as oneself and with someone who is at a similar stage in life but that doesn’t mean that we have to exclude all other people from our interactions. Becoming an adult teen listener will simply open up more opportunities for yourself and the teens to talk to the wonderful people of this community! 🌟

That said, please join us on the teen side! It will be fuuun… 😇
yourbuddy30 November 16th, 2022

@Hope You can have access to listening on both sides and listen to who you feel comfortable with. It is helpful if you want to take on leadership roles so you can reach out to teens and listeners. The more support we can offer, the better we are able to help each other

lucy2 November 16th, 2022


Because it's the most satisfying experience and I love it! I thought I had nothing in common with teens, but found it was the opposite. Teens really are worth every minute you can offer them as a ATL, so please do help support them.


LovetoGod November 16th, 2022


You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because you will be able to get experience of both sides. You will understand the difference between teens and adult problems and it's really amazing experience to get to know people of different age groups ❤

Jenna November 16th, 2022

You should become an ATL because teens need someone who can relate to them. They need someone who has been through similar things. They need someone who will care about them and their feelings. Teen emotions are hard and they are still learning to cope with and develop them. I believe if they had more adults to look up to, it would benefit them a lot. Being a teen can be scary and lonely and we can help get them through that. They're good people going through a stage in their life that we once did. Teens are really enjoyable to interact with and get to know in their own community. They're so smart and creative. Become an ATL today!

SirenOfSerenity November 16th, 2022

You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because: It would be a great way to remain supportive of your teen community after agining up until you're ready to take more adult chats ❤️ And for adults, your wisdom and experience in certain areas may be extremely impactful for a teen that needs guidance and understanding.

Azalea98 November 16th, 2022

You should be an ATL espcially if you were a teen and have upgraded to adulthood. You can keep in contact with your friends and you can still go in the TL room (which I used to frequent a lot) being an adult they regognise means you can actually be a bridge between the oldies and teens and make the thought of moving up to the oldies less scary for those about to transition ♥️

MistyMagic November 16th, 2022

@aza98 I loved this part

"You should be an ATL espcially if you were a teen and have upgraded to adulthood. You can keep in contact with your friends and you can still go in the TL room"

That is so so true!

I love being an ATL!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

PhoenixTears5972 November 16th, 2022


From adults to teens everyone needs to be heard and I am so glad for being in 7cups , since this community provides the space for both. However the journey in the lives of adults and teens differ from each other , on many aspects. As listening , therapy and providing importance to mental health is necessary for adults too , when compared with teens , there's no denying that adults come with a lot of maturity and experience. They are aware of their own good and bad , they are aware of "Now its time for me to approach for help" and if some of their doors to solutions seem closed, they know another door will open and they'll try to grab on the opportunity and move forward on the path of healing. Gradually, just like everyone they realise that they are not alone and the world's a much better place when we are together.

The thing for Teens on the other hand is quite complicated. We know teen life as a part of time in life when people make mistakes , grave mistakes

. Maturity is still a "Work in Progress" during the teen/adolescent phase of life and situations often make them end up thinking things in a wrong way , forming negative thoughts and ideologies about life and the way of approach towards problems . Society taboos , peer and family pressure often acting as a cherry on top , teens end up repressing themselves, covering the truth behind words like "I am fine" and they refuse to reach out to help since as I said , during that phase of life , maturity is still a "Work in Progress" and thus the realisation of "Its okay to ask for help" doens't come naturally.

In such a situation , teens need to feel like home , to feel a safe place where they realise they are not alone and there are people to listen out to them , to hold their hands and to be their friends and listen to their stories and struggles. Its this feeling of intense trust and companionship that most teens crave for compared to adults and when they find a comfort zone they start expressing themselves. Their thought processes , taboos , pressure, loneliness , start dying one by one and they start stepping on the path of healing.

This entire healing process takes a lot of time and care for a teen to get introduced to and hence it requires more kind hearts and helping hands to make them realize "You are not alone."

ATL , therefore, is one of the best programmes that have been introduced in 7cups and as more and more listeners transition to ATL , I think its a blessing not only for the adults but also for the teens who get a new hope everyday that "Life can be so much better."

azuladragon34 November 17th, 2022


You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because..... you are helping teens to deal with their problems. Adolescence is a trying time for these young ones due to so many changes occurring in their body and environment. Hence becoming an ATL will form some sort of support for these teens who are afraid and hesitant to talk it out with their family.

prashpal84 November 17th, 2022

I feel being teen listener gives me opportunity to create little more impact as my life experiences can help teen members and I have also found that teen members do like to talk to adult listeners.

RideaRainbow November 17th, 2022

I enjoy both my roles but teen listener more because teen desperately need to be heard and understood. It helps them and impacts to deeply. This has been my experience for last over 7 years.

LittleBirdie30 November 17th, 2022

@Hope You should become an Adult-Teen Listener because you are able to help sooo many more amazing people! Becoming an ATL has helped me so much with more roles and supporting others. It has helped me tremendously in my role as Care Team Co-lead as well! <3 It's a great opportunity!

WendyBird15 November 17th, 2022

You should become an adult-teen listener as teens sometimes need to talk to someone that is older, more mature and they feel safe doing so here. Although we don't give advice, we can emphasize with them in a way of letting them know we understand how they feel and we can offer some ideas, ways, or resources that could help in whatever they are going through.

NoelleListens November 18th, 2022


To help people of all age groups.

positivePumpkin22 November 21st, 2022


because it is an opportunity to connect and be a part of teen community. being Adult teen listener, i am able to be a part of both adult and teen communities and it is wonderful. we can spend time with cute teens and awesome adults. when i was a teen i valued support from adults and now i can be that to many teens :)

CosmicMiracle November 26th, 2022

Fellow light workers, I encourage you to join the ATLs because similar to what Alice Cullen said in the Twilight books, "we were once them" <3

Granted it could be a different time for us, with different experiences and backgrounds, but we were once young at the core of it. We were once mad at the world for what we deemed as unfair. We used to be super emotional, very intense, and with lots of energy, we didn't know how to deal with.

We used to be concerned with peer pressure, once upon a time, we were very concerned about what the people around us thought of us. We had a hard time communicating our thoughts and emotions.

So much more teen experiences we've learned, and while we have a new batch of struggles and challenges as adults, we have also been equipped with the wisdom of our age. The world is an ecosystem and so is 7Cups so we put small parts of ourselves out there for our teens to learn from and we guide them in navigating this scary adult world as they slowly move towards that magic age of 18 when it's time for them to take the mantle and eventually become a support system for the teens when they themselves are adults <3

The choice is yours ;)