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Hard Time Focusing and Being Productive

Karrotcake42 August 10th, 2023

In my circumstances I have a hard time studying at school. Everyone talks too much but when I block them out with my AirPods my mind begins reeling and I can’t focus. Like my mind is literally everywhere else but studying. When I’m reading like finally focus I fall asleep about 20-30 minutes in OR I get zapped to the phone. I’ve set up timers and limits last night. What can I do? What do you guys do to study? What about for staying focused and fighting the urge to sleep while reading. I am on an antidepressant which helps me stay functional and I take a better blocker on occasion. I JUST go into the deep breathing thing that’s on here so I’m going to try that but mainly for my crazy unrelenting anxiety.

I’ve also come to terms with accepting therapy and understanding why it really is important. I always have this image of myself to portray as even in therapy. This time around, I’m speaking my whole mind and open to all criticism and following guidance. It’s just too expensive right now.

So any ideas?

RogueOne1983 August 12th, 2023

@Karrotcake42 do you sleep at night?

Getting enough sleep is a good start!

patientSky1754 August 12th, 2023


Finding a quiet and comfortable study environment is important. If the noise at school is too overwhelming, could you explore alternative spaces like a local library or a cozy corner in your home where you can create a peaceful atmosphere?

Also, you could try breaking your study sessions into smaller, manageable chunks. The Pomodoro Technique, where you study for a set amount of time and then take short breaks, can help improve focus and prevent burnout.

Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with different study methods to find what works best for you. Some people benefit from visual aids, while others find flashcards or mnemonic devices helpful. It's all about finding techniques that engage your learning style and make the material more interactive. It's important to take care of your physical needs as well. Prioritize sleep, eat nutritious meals, and stay hydrated

patientSky1754 August 12th, 2023


Also, if you find yourself getting easily distracted by your phone or other devices, consider using apps or tools that limit your access to certain apps or websites during study sessions. You can also try placing your phone in another room or using it in a designated break time

Karrotcake42 OP August 14th, 2023

Thank you so much this was actually very very helpful. ♥️

jzheng2025 August 14th, 2023

@Karrotcake42 As everyone else said, it's important to make sure you sleep enough so that you're not tired when doing work. A good study environment is also important, you can try working at the library or at school somewhere quiet. Having a study buddy can also be beneficial. If you find that you easily get distracted when trying to study, having someone by your side and motivating you can sometimes help. I hope these work for you!