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Christian With Masturbation/Pornography Addiction

lydiae19 April 5th, 2021

Hi there,

I'm a Christian and I struggle with sexual addiction. This addiction has been going on for the past seven years. Over the past year and a half of so, I have been trying everything under the sun to fight this. Obviously, turning to Jesus first and foremost. But also talking to people, counseling, literature, accountability software, and a support group. I feel discouraged in my faith and I feel as though I have exhausted my resoures. I would really apprciate talking to someone who understands what I am going through and shares my beliefs.

Thanks everyone :)

Edited by Asherwolfice 4/5/2021

April 5th, 2021

Hello lydiae19. I too am a Christian who has been struggling with addiction to pornography. I have been using a free online course called “setting captives free”. On the site there are many different courses for fighting depression, weight loss, addiction, and many others. I have been using the purity boot camp. It focuses on three main principles: denying the flesh, walking in the spirit, and washing at the cross daily. It has been known for setting people free from their addictions through Christ. It has helped me tremendously, and I feel victory close by. Like you, I have been battling this addiction for over a year now. Along the way, I realized the only way to freedom was through Jesus Christ. I will post the link below. Freedom is possible, and I pray that you keep faith. I’m here for you and you’re not alone in your struggles.

lydiae19 OP April 5th, 2021

@Elmslie Thank you so much! I will definetely check that out.

bibbi07 July 3rd

i recommend you to pray and take tips from others

CatDaddy3 July 3rd

@lydiae19 I get you and have been there with all the exasperation.  I will be glad to talk to you.

hushpuppies99 August 16th

Hi I am a Christian too. A friend told me I need to stop beating myself up (physically and mentally) for masterbating. I've been trying to that, and ironically it's more difficult than I realized. Maybe it's helping, I have yet to know. But this is my best advice for now :) . Bests!