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The friend of addiction

amicableox0685 August 19th

Depression is a friend of addiction. When your tired and weary it tries to lie to you. If you don't feed into it it invites the others for help. Know who you are and why you feel that way. If you are going through something with someone else it's likely they're obstacles in life make them react negatively as well.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 2nd


Its such a mix bag, really. :/ 

Sending more power to everyone doing their best to push forward.💛

amicableox0685 OP September 2nd


I agree, but honestly emotions are part of life. No one is just passive, but also the obstacles we encounter in life gives us resilience, but it's like society has this negative connotation towards emotions, and I think it's all because the world we live in is such business oriented.

It's not like your manager is going to give you a promotion for balling your eyes out over the workload. That's just inappropriate work behavior.

So, you just wait till you go home...with a big tub of ice cream.


Oh wow you put it so nicely and I agree, sadly the world doesn't value emotions and emotional expression as much as it should and something else always seems to take up more space in our lives, emotions come "secondary" because one needs more "important" things to live in this "society" as a functional member.

I'm glad we have spaces like 7 cups bridging some of this off-cups-world gap, holding space for emotions and expression, encouraging "talking it out" and support. 

Big yes to that big tub of ice cream though hehe. What's your favorite flavor? I'm always down for some Belgian chocolate!😋

amicableox0685 OP Friday


A Moose, Moose tracks or Coffee flavored although I don't consume it anymore. Banana split! Hagen Daz is releasing a blood and flesh flavored ice cream for Halloween, I always wanted to be a zombie. I'm just kidding, about that...hehe.


Lol sounds very interesting. Haven't tried a banana split before. :0 

amicableox0685 OP Friday


Birthday Cake?

SummerKay2024 Thursday


Addiction was my escape to quite down depression anxiety ptsd and grief 😔 it took me rock bottom to learn to search for the root cause of my self destructive behaviors. 

17 months sober from alcohol and drugs now. I still dance with grief ptsd anxiety and depression but do it sober. 


amicableox0685 OP Friday


God be willing I can find that strength.  

SummerKay2024 Friday


You will rooting for you. Sending you strength 💪✨️✨️
