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Phone addiction

Hansini7079 August 16th

I usually am hyperfocused but these days I've been my worst, scrolling through youtube... any advice, anyone?

dtanushree August 17th


Hello! 👋 

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this situation.. I've heard about some apps which help you to decrease screen timings. Like a minimalistic phone setup.. it's a great way to enhance your focus and reduce screen timings.. hope it helps :)


Hansini7079 OP August 17th

Thanks so much, mate! <3

LifeWarrior135 August 21st

Try Plantie to lock you from using your phone or the plant in the app dies.

Another thing i would try is a dopamine detox.

Hansini7079 OP August 21st

@LifeWarrior135 thanks for the advice! I'll try em

slowdecline48 August 23rd

God, I wish I had advice for the same issue myself--after giving up almost all (anti)social media. Try not to pick up & twiddle with your phone all the time, is the only suggestion I have. Maybe put it in another room whenever you need or want to focus on something? I dunno...