Can anyone suggest porn blocker app ??
Can anyone suggest me free porn blocker app. Because my credit card is not able to make a payment right now. And I want to block porn on my phone. I tried to install brainbuddy app but it also requires paid membership. I need a app which block porn and which also helps in rewire and have community to talk to.
@exuberantTalker9747 I like free apps slso so I go to Google Play and look through all of them.
Here are some recommended by this site
I would look for support sites separately.
Sorry this isn't helpful-
I tried an app call at Relay and it was great but then the free trial ran out and I had to cancel but I hope they make a free version bc it was the most helpful app I've ever had for management of my addiction
The free trial was still helpful bc it showed me like how i could get support and stuff
Combination of rethink and appblocker. Rethink filther adult content on the dns configuratiom and app blocker block the rethink app and the setting part of your system. The restrict mode can act as a temporary replacement for you. Mutiple step but free.
I think most of them is paid. Even porn blocked web browser needs subscription. Only apps for tracking your progress and push you a bit with quote or something similer then its free.