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Addiction on video games

andrewtan99 September 3rd

As a child, I would be handed an ipad by my elder sister, who is older by 4 years old, I would play with the ipad for 4-5 hours, almost non stop, until someone needs mee somewhere else. Years later, I still have relapses towards the addiction. During relapses I would ignore everyone else. It's not completely satisfying when I do it and I get missed out on a lot. It's a difficult thing to battle because it could be a shelter everytime I face something too stressful.

BrownFruitPaperBag September 9th


video game addiction can be difficult to get around because it is so easy to access the medium

it sounds like you're frustrated with your current approach to it and that you keep getting back to it. that's okay and understandable

what helps you to step away from gaming for some time?

BrownFruitPaperBag September 9th


what other coping mechanisms can you think of that might help you when you're stressed??

andrewtan99 OP September 10th

Breathing slowly, looking at green plants.

andrewtan99 OP September 10th

Other little interests of collecting things or background wallpapers. It connects to me deeply and lessens the grip from video games.