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What Is Your Addiction?

User Profile: VanessaGraceStory
VanessaGraceStory July 1st, 2017

What is it like for you? Do you have more then 1? What have you done to make your addiction worse or better?

User Profile: Lydia1226
Lydia1226 July 1st, 2017


I have a drug addiction. It's like hell sometimes, but it's gotten better and is constantly getting better. I went to rehab and am now recovering.

User Profile: Lorenzo517
Lorenzo517 July 1st, 2017

@VanessaGraceStory I'm Lorenzo. I así have a drug addiction I've been clean for 5 years now and it feels great. Rehab helped but the most important part to me is to have a support system in place so I have someone to reach out to when I need to.

User Profile: Randa3196
Randa3196 September 9th, 2020

@VanessaGraceStory My addiction is Dope and cigerettes and horrible self esteem.

I wish I had more advice but Im new here and just started my path to recovery.

User Profile: ImH
ImH September 9th, 2020

over the counter drugs. Advil, more advil, melotonen, priscriped pain medication, tylonl, aligery medcation, prescripted aligey medication. I try to go higher each time :( its impolsive i dont even feel what i did untill after. i got up to this: 3 Advil, 3 more different advil, 3 melotonen, 1 priscriped pain medication, 1 tylonl, 2 aligery medcation, and 1 prescripted aligey medication.

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User Profile: NotContent
NotContent September 11th, 2020

@ImH as far as I am aware you don't get high off of those pills? So are you just trying to take anything to get high or does that combination actually do something?

User Profile: NotContent
NotContent September 11th, 2020

@ImH for added clarification I took opiate containing prescription pain meds. I saw you said prescribed pain meds but I'm not sure if you were talking about something like hydrocodone.

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User Profile: ImH
ImH September 17th, 2020

@NotContent I'm not really sure. All I know is that they were pain meds priscripted to my mom since she broke her foot, she didn't use that much of them and I decided to "borrorw" them.

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User Profile: BoiledDove
BoiledDove December 15th, 2020


Alcohol has aways been the foundation of all my addictions. I started when I was quite young and was a daily drinker by the time I was in high school. Other substances joined the mix as I got older and better connections.

Then I was completly clean and sober for 15 years as my kids were growing up.

About 4 years ago I started smoking pot again, drinking again soon followed. That has been pretty ugly at times, especially when depression and suicidal thoughts would be kicking my ass at the same time. I would occasionally do some blow, get an 8ball ever 3 or 4 months.

Then, about 6 months ago, I was at my friends house and went to do a line. What I didn't realize was that his girl was cutting up smack, not blow. So that monkey jumped back upon my back very quickly. So now it is smack and crank, daily, multiple times daily.

The good side - I don't drink much at all anymore these days. Bad side - strung out on 2 rather hard drugs. I try to use the stopwatch on my phone to taper myself off the dope at least. This will work to various effectiveness until I go get a new bag and decide to treat myself to an easy evening and it all starts all over again. And boy oh boy do I hate getting sick.

So, here I am, 50 years old and strung out like a kid. Not sure how or when this will stop, but I do know it won't be pretty.

User Profile: BoiledDove
BoiledDove December 20th, 2020

Thanks everyone for the conversation and all. Friendly place ya got here. *rolls eyes*

User Profile: canaryinamine
canaryinamine December 21st, 2020

I was addicted to being in a relationship/having a partner. If one broke up with me, I already had a new one not even one day later. I started finding normal friends and loving myself, realizing that I shouldn't give the responsibility about how I feel about myself to another person, because they may leave any time and that the only person who can truly help me is only myself and the way I see the world.

User Profile: Repetitivecircle
Repetitivecircle December 27th, 2020


I have many addictions. He's started using drugs in my teens to get popular and it worked. Slowly it turned into harder drugs and longer Times not being sober and even a drinking problem. Throughout the years I managed to cut off many of the different variety of drugs. And simmer down in my drinking. Unfortunately the last drug I used was one of the most hardest drugs for me to overcome. I inject cocaine. And I seem to only stay clean for short periods of time and then my life comes overwhelming and I relapse again. This is why my name is repetitive circle. I try to break the circle but it has not worked yet.

i'm always up for suggestions. So far I Think I am three weeks sober not quite sure because I didn't mark the day that I start using. I just. Join this site the day after. I don't like marking the day I quit because I've always relapsed. And it's heartbreaking for me. The drugs now have caused some mental health issues so I am really trying my best to make this attempt work.

User Profile: Alexija
Alexija December 31st, 2020


Honestly don't really care that much about which drugs I put inside me as long as they make the pain and anxiety go away. I mainly take kriss and amfetamine, but I also when the occation occurs or if non of the others will do or I just want to change it up take coke, ecstacy, benzo and hash. With or without alcohol don't really matter. I also just mix them together sometimes, or well most of the time. I also want to try basically every drug that isnt injected.

The longest and worst addiction I have though are my addiction to cutting myself or harming myself in another way, it started to my knowledge (may have started earlier but I don't really remember that far back) around age 10 and evolved to cutting at age 14. And after that it was all really downhill. I still struggle with this addiction at the age of 21

Im also addicted to sex, horses and cigarettes.

User Profile: GiangiacomoRossi
GiangiacomoRossi January 9th, 2021

I'm 16 and because of all the chaos in my family. Smoking helps me stay calm and stop thinking about everything that happens to me.

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User Profile: Lolumss8
Lolumss8 January 11th, 2021


hey I'm 17 and from London x

how are you doing?

Nd what do you smoke?

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User Profile: GiangiacomoRossi
GiangiacomoRossi January 14th, 2021


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