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New Elective and Honors Option Added to All 7 Cups Academy Programs

Hope September 20th

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. 7 Cups Academy now has been around for a couple of years! We have over 1700 program graduates and 800+ graduates from specialized courses such as time management courses. Academy has its place in our community but our reach is mostly limited to users on 7 Cups. This means there are many people who can benefit from free programs/courses offered by 7 Cups Academy if they know more about it!

To ensure more people can find 7 Cups Academy with ease and that there is information on our programs outside 7 Cups, we have included a new elective and honors option in all academy programs. 

  • Write a testimonial post/article on Linkedin or Medium about your 7 Cups Internship experience, following the instructions detailed. 

We have ensured to include it in an entirely optional way. This is only for those who wish to encourage others to participate in academy programs. It is perfectly okay if this is not an elective or honors option for you, you will still have plenty of others to choose from. You can view the elective and Honors information in your requirement list/Honors post. I look forward to reading the testimonials of our trainees/interns. 

It is available to both existing interns/trainees and the ones who join us from here and onwards! Please reach out to the program team lead if any form/doc has not included these new options. You can see who leads what here. 

Big thank you to @Yourbuddy30 @HealingTalk @DreamTouch and @Clarisse29 for assisting with implementing these electives! 
yourbuddy30 September 20th

@Hope I am so excited to extend the reach outside Cups! What a good elective to think off. Thank you Hope

Heather225 September 20th
I am so looking forward to seeing us branch out, and reading everyone's testimonials!
heathermarie95 September 21st


this is an awesome addition to elective choices! 

HealingTalk September 22nd

I think this is a great initiative.

On one hand, presenting the Academy and its programs to the outside world, as a quality and free learning opportunity, that will get those who join a valid recognition (in other free learning platforms, like Coursera for example, you have to pay to get a Certificate).

On the other hand, it will enrich and widen the perception people have about 7 Cups, showing how diverse are the activities that take place in Cups, not only 1 on 1 chats (that's what most people know).

And strengthen the image of 7 Cups as an organization that takes very seriously the quality of the support it offers, to the extent that even academic activities take place to improve the skills and capabilities of its volunteers.

in this sense, the visibility of the Academy might strengthen significantly the image of 7 Cups as a whole, I think. 


sugaryHeart2911 Thursday

i love when we are able to explore new territory