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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Forum Changes - And A Reminder of Guidelines

AffyAvo July 6th, 2021

Please keep this section a supportive one, it's primary purpose is for those to get support related to their own NPD and for others to give them support. See the Personality Disorders Subcommunity Guidelines Here

Educational resources and other resources may also be shared, please be mindful of avoiding stigmitizing language. My opinion is person first langague may be beneficial for those types of posts. There is also a difference between diagnostic critiera, the difficulties a disorder may cause and stereotypes.

I am far from an expert when it comes to NPD, what I know comes from a bit of reading and it's not something I've gone into in any depth. Drawing from what I know about disorders in general though, is a disorder affects people differently, even when put into subtypes, there are going to be differences for each individual. Triggers vary, individual relationship vary, stressors vary, etc.

Finally a reminder of the 7 cups community guidelines:
Remain professional, kind, and respectful towards one another.
Even if you do not get along with an individual listener, member, or guest it is up to you to act appropriately, step away and not engage. It is up to you to put yourself in situations where you can act in this manner.
Do not engage in hateful behaviors of any kind.
Showing hate towards any gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, racial or cultural background or imposing your view point on any of these items on another user is forbidden.

Xe made some great points on avoiding stigmitizing languauge, please keep in mind, particularly when posting in the Narcissistic Personality Disorder section.

Patients" Implies someone who has to be treated, i.e. presumed as wrong.
"Common traits: " are listed as universal facts and labels, which is not entirely true, all of these symptoms are on a spectrum, not everyone with NPD would exhibit all symptoms. Even if they do, the way these are listed is insensitive, untrue to personal motivations and not helpful for someone with NPD.
Example: "The patient is convinced that he/she is better than other people."
An individual with NPD may have an Inflated Ego: can still be a better term than presuming how they think or regard others.

"These patients behave in a 'guilt tripping' / passive aggressive fashion in order to manipulate others."
"These patients behave in a charming fashion in order to manipulate others."
This promotes the stigma that people with NPD are manipulators.

[Edited by @QuietMagic 11/20/21 to remove reference to subforum that has been deleted]

Edited by AffyAvo 05/27/22 to include Personality Disorders Subcommunity Community Guidelines

QuietMagic July 6th, 2021

@AffyAvo Perfect, thank you!

AffyAvo OP July 6th, 2021

@QuietMagic Thanks for your support to some of the threads here!

AffyAvo OP July 6th, 2021

@StarlitSky4762 @Xe @MercivalGreenthumb @starlybird @RarelyCharlie @competentParadise6344 @Tazzie @Mel @CheeryMango @lostcurves31@FirstLight4762 @Archange1 @Danica

Thanks for offering support and bringing up the problem!

I think I moved all threads as appropriate.
I also updated the description for this subcommunity to make it clear it's different from the new one.
If anything looks off, I made typos, a thread is in the wrong subforum, etc. feel free to change if you have the capability, post here to get me to change it, or tag me in the thread.

July 6th, 2021

Love this change, thank you for your efforts.

Mel July 6th, 2021

@AffyAvo thank you Affy for your work!

QuietMagic July 6th, 2021

I have a few minor housekeeping items... not sure who they should be directed toward. Slightly smiling Just a few possible things I thought of to ensure that any new members who visit/join the community in the future will know that the "friends & family" forum exists and will know that they're supposed to post there when applicable instead of in the NPD forum.

1) The "Resources" tab for the Personality Disorders subcommunity contains a list of all forums that exist. Can we add the new "friends & family" forum to that list?
2) Should we pin this thread in the NPD forum?
3) Should we possibly also add a note to the "Guidelines" tab for the subcommunity?
AffyAvo OP July 6th, 2021

@QuietMagic Good suggestions! I pinned this. I can't make any of the other changes though, those are subcommunity specfic. @competentParadise6344 May be able to help.

StarlitSky4762 July 8th, 2021

@QuietMagic I really like that idea!

StarlitSky4762 July 19th, 2021

@QuietMagic good catch!

QuietMagic July 23rd, 2021

@competentParadise6344 Just bumping this while I remember.

I feel like we're probably fine holding off on updating the "Guidelines" tab since there haven't been any issues in the past 2 weeks with people posting in the wrong forum. (And we have the pinned thread in the NPD forum.)

I'd still like to see the "Resources" tab updated to include the new forum just so that list is complete/accurate.

Tamy4210 July 30th, 2021

this is a great idea, thank you for your efforts♥️