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Understanding Our Self-Care Obstacles (Self-Care Challenge Day 4)

SoulfullyAButterfly July 28th, 2022

Hi everyone, (1).jpg

Now that we have had some idea of what we need in terms of self-care, we get to the harder part: what are the obstacles keeping us from these needs? What are some ways we can go past these obstacles? Remember, there are many pathways to a goal and problem-solving is important. Be honest with yourself - we are in this together, so let’s help one another out!

Want to earn a Kindness Badge for practicing self-kindness which is an important aspect of this self-care challenge? Remember to fill out this form daily.

IsayUncle July 28th, 2022


You fixed the badge form (if not you, someone did. you deserve to take some credit anyway) The Fill out "this form" daily is on day 4 and has a new question. Good Job!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle I did! Thank you

IsayUncle July 29th, 2022



WarmLightXO July 29th, 2022

My personal obstacles include:

  • ✨Executive dysfunction
  • I'm so busy.
  • I don't always slow down enough to notice the needs

Ways I can scoot past them:

  • Setting timers to remind myself of self-care.
  • Realizing that if I don't decide to take a break, my body will pick a time for me.
  • Journaling each day.
mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2022

Obstacles - too much work that needs to be done and not enough free time

Sometimes the feeling that I don't deserve to do anything like that for myself

Childhood messages that I'm slacking and wasting time that should be spent doing something constructive

I can - remind myself that there isn't anything that can't wait

- remind myself that I'm worth it

- remind myself that I'm the one in charge of my life now. I don't have to answer to anyone

youcancallmeLili July 29th, 2022


Well in my case it's quite simple.It's just my chores and my laziness.

I think I'll have to set a schedule so that I can manage the time between my chores and my self-care.m

About me being lazy,I'll have to remind myself everytime that it's one of the necessary stuff that I must have to do and if necessary I'll have to force myself cause why not xD

Luna268 July 29th, 2022



- I procrastinate and tend to think "why bother". I easly put things for later and prefer fun vs responsibility.

- I don't think my voice matters at times or I get shy.

- I didn't learn to value myself and set boundaries

How to overcome them:

- Do immediate chores in the moment. Not leave easy tasks for later if they take less than 5-10 minutes.

- make a schedule for bigger tasks.

- Voice my opinion more often. Actually participate in meetings at work and make at least 2 comments.

- question myself more to learn what I like and don't like. To then be assertive whenever I say No to things.

FaithfulPrune9638 July 29th, 2022

Procrastination, feels undeserving, feels like I'm being selfish, don't know how to be assertive

Just get it done and pretend everything is okay.

Ginevra962 July 29th, 2022

Maybe journaling could help I think

EvolvedScorpio July 29th, 2022


Completing school work

purpleSea7109 July 29th, 2022

I fixed and talked to someone and made better giving kindness and listening to them. They also listened to me too.xx thanks everyone. XX

IsayUncle July 29th, 2022


Scatter-brain = lack of accomplishment = discouragement = depression = Scatter-brain.

But more realistically; Finding a purpose more important than another to make it a priority to complete 100% over another. Too many sticks in the fire, Prioritizing.

considerateMoon9060 July 29th, 2022

There aren't any

IsayUncle July 29th, 2022



considerateMoon9060 July 29th, 2022

Well, I don't have any obstacles preventing me from self-care. I guess, for the others it can be time, but I make sure to organize my routine so that I have plenty of time for self-care

IsayUncle July 29th, 2022


That is good to hear... that it's possible - Nice!.👍😊

Torean July 29th, 2022


Mostly it's being too busy with people and motivation to do anything when I get the chance.

Balancing activity as I go really helps. As for being busy with people, I've already set boundaries, and usually I feel like I can use time with them. Except some of the people I deal with at work. 😂

Rebekahwriter13 July 29th, 2022

I'm dealing with money issues vs health issues. . . I have given myself small goals to strength myself. However my location I am in has cause depression issues. I feel like I am stuck inside all of the time as I am waiting on doctors to give me tests and figure out what I can do next with my health issues.

Please send positive prayers.

audienta July 29th, 2022


What are the obstacles keeping us from these needs?

So, the goal I defined on day 2 was: "I would like to become more connected with my emotions." I think the biggest obstacle that is making it difficult for me to reach this goal is that I'm very afraid of losing control once I feel emotions. I know from past experiences that I'm likely to get into spirals which are very uncomfortable and can trigger panic when I can't stop them. So currently, I'm avoiding everything that could open up space for emotions.

What are some ways we can go past these obstacles?

I think there are two ways, one that I need to work on on my own and one that I need help with. The first one is that I need to start accepting the sensation of emotions, and that I need to begin to endure them without wanting to control or change them. The second way is, that I need to learn emotion regulation skills. For that, I'm currently waiting for a new therapy.

Eddiejellybean July 29th, 2022

My personal obstacles are tackling my eating disorder and not feeling guilty when I do eat. And also feeling tired constantly

Harsvin July 30th, 2022


what are the obstacles keeping us from these needs?

Overthinking, feeling demotivated and stressed.

What are some ways we can go past these obstacles?

Practicing mindfulness and letting go of any negative thoughts

Laura1989 July 30th, 2022


Now that we have had some idea of what we need in terms of self-care, we get to the harder part: what are the obstacles keeping us from these needs? What are some ways we can go past these obstacles? Remember, there are many pathways to a goal and problem-solving is important. Be honest with yourself - we are in this together, so let’s help one another out!

Work, money worries, my ever-busy mind, trying to do too many things at once

Focus on what I can do/control, eg I can't control what opportunities arise but I can dedicate some time to creating opportunities and to refining my craft. If I find myself in a position where I can't manage my current life financially I will have to adapt and think again, but as things are I have to make sure I focus on things I need at a basic level eg taking time for rest and relaxation, and eating well and good food. Taking deep breaths and breaks when I need to and gradually incorporating exercise, while recognizing that life is ongoing and it will never be perfect and that I am already doing a good job.

jigsaw3638 July 30th, 2022

