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LEARN THE PROBLEM-SOLVING HABIT - to replace your default "just worry" tendency

7motivation December 3rd, 2020

Here are 5 ways to unlearn the worry habit...

1 Solve your problems with this decision tree diagram (<-- click link)

2 Identify "What you know" and "What you're not sure about" for your problem.

3 Pick your "Mindset" and... "How you will face the situation".

4 Find people to Support and Help you.

5 Create "If-Then" plans.

Bonus: See important reasons to replace "just worrying" with "problem solving".

It's all here:

Please remember... "Getting Help" is often a very important first step.

Reaching out and finding the right person to talk to can get a solution started and stop the worrying.

Please forgive any typos above.

Asher December 7th, 2020

Thank you for this great post with a great information in it as well.

redNest4346 February 25th, 2021


What a great post I have just done an anxiety course and you have covered a lot of points in this one post

Thank you