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Pop-up Updates : 1st to 15th of September 2022

September 16th, 2022

Previous updates can be found here
This AAHHAA!! update includes: Awarding Badge(s) & Welcoming Puffies | Announcement(s) related to Popups | Hosts’ Leaderboard for current month | Hosts’ Appreciation & feedback | Appreciation for active participants | Appreciation for Popup helpers | Invitation to host! | Important Links!

Welcome our new puffies πŸ€— @Here4good74, @Lolowise475, @kindheartedLily6247, @lolowise475

And our newest Ninja @Here4Good74 πŸ±β€πŸ‘€

    • Random Stat: We just completed a 1000 sessions 🀩 πŸ₯³
    • We are launching a new series 'Popup 18' - It's a GTKY session for listeners/members who have just aged up from the teen side to the adult side.
    • If you feel shy or are not sure how to host, find a cohost to host popup with here - Find Cohost
    • If you are new to hosting and want a time slot that is not too fast, try 3-7 am ET and 3-7 pm ET. And others who want an active room, can avoid these time slots.
    • Read Ninja Interviews to get inspired - Check here
    • Events Team Badge: We have a badge for hosts who have been regular with popups and have shown great enthusiasm for it. Proudly announcing the current Events Team Badge holders πŸ₯³ @Angelx28 @RainbowdogsofParadise @DonaldDraper @jovialButterfly6752 @kindLemonade @richuyulin @Star996 @starryskies108 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @unique73 @VerseArt @Fristo @GoldenRuleJG @KyleBorg @bubblegumwings1234 @VaryingCloud @WarmLightXO and the newest addition to the list are @Lou73 πŸ₯Red heart



Thank you @Here4good74 @Goalsforlife @GoldenRuleJG @lolowise475 - for continuously cheering people up 🧑

A reminder to our hosts to share feedback forms at the end of the sessions to receive kind words from the participants Red heart #2

Very nice, quick little discussion where we learned about compassion with others and attempting to boost our positivity. I learned about an appreciation form I was unaware of until this discussion, which is a great resource to now have!

*The PUFFies are growing every week and a huge credit goes to the positive participants. Here are some who made popups special last week

If you wish to encourage our hosts to host more of these sessions, leave them a feedback here Grinning

Thanks Thank You GIF by Priooor - Find & Share on GIPHY

*You have been thanked by someone for helping them with popups:

*You have been nominated by someone to host a popup: @cherrystar86 @tami150 @yourbuddy30 @wsldms @Jaz04 @gracefulSnow5531 @warmSunset1074 @yourbuddy30 @GabrielCup2327 @narfthekat @Gaygirl90

*Welcoming all to host 3 popups in their free time within a week and earn a Pop-up Ninja badge πŸ±β€πŸ‘€ Red heart #3

@magicalOcean594 @LlamaLizz @Llamaliz @LlamaLizz @Help127 @bubbleFig1797 @Freely1904 @VaryingCloud @tranquilMoon1757 @goalsforlife @CalmWaves3939 @N/A @ASilentObserver @AmintaBlack @AmintaBlack @fristo @DonaldDraper @AmintaBlack @Blissfulforest7076 @BlissfulForest @ASilentObserver @Warmlightxo @Help127 @Here4good74 @Lou73 @GoldenRuleJG @GoldenRuleJG @here4good @GoldenRuleJG @GoldenRuleJG @ASilentObserver @ASilentObserver @dylanxyuzu @DylanxYuzu @DylanxYuzu @ASilentObserver @ASilentObserver @Jane @(Here4good) @SirenofSirenity @SirenOfSerenity @SirenofSerenity @amintablack

We are looking to make popups more frequent and happening. If you need to know more information on popup discussions, spam DonaldDraper

@theriverissinging please alert this and assign badges <3

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 16th, 2022

@DonaldDraper Thankyou for the updates, Donziee! A get to know you pop up session sounds amazing! 🧑 And yay kudos to all the hosts and participants!✨

Welcome to the Ninja team, Jane!❀ @here4good74

User Profile: VaryingCloud
VaryingCloud September 16th, 2022


Congratulations all on completing 1000+ sessions already!! Yayy! πŸ₯³ 🎊 ❀️

And congratulations @Here4good74 on becoming a NinjaπŸ₯·πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰

User Profile: Here4good74
Here4good74 September 16th, 2022


Omg!! I'm over the moon! Thanks for having me in your remarkable team β™₯️

I've been trying to dedicate equal attention to all 7Cups features - 1-on-1 chats, chatrooms, forums (since I want to be a forum supporter to be a teen star before aging up, but I guess I'm too taken by the chatrooms lol)

And this new discussion for those who are aging up is a wonderful idea, good to know that we won't get lost in the adult side when we age up xD

Thanks Don! β™₯️ thanks everyone β™₯️xx (this post's made my day πŸ€§πŸ’•)

User Profile: SirenOfSerenity
SirenOfSerenity September 16th, 2022
Thank you @Here4good74 @Goalsforlife @GoldenRuleJG @lolowise475 @DonaldDraper for being amazing puffies 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
1 reply
User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG September 16th, 2022

@SirenOfSerenity thanks for the amazing participation siren πŸ’œπŸ’›β˜ΊοΈ

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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo September 16th, 2022


Congrats everyone! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul September 16th, 2022


User Profile: Overthinker13579TU
Overthinker13579TU September 16th, 2022


Congragulations :D

User Profile: sailorjenna
sailorjenna September 16th, 2022

Congratulations!! cute-panda.gif

User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG September 16th, 2022

@DonaldDraper aww thank you πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG September 16th, 2022

well done @Here4good74 :)