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Surviving Those Awful First Few Days of Grief

comfortableNight4463 March 11th, 2022


The best advice into one single point: there are no rules, do what you need.

I implore you to put yourself first. You’ll likely be slammed with a maelstrom of emotions and both physically and emotionally exhausted. Now is not the time to be a people pleaser, the only thing that matters is that you look after yourself.

Do what you need, what works for you.

Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do, where you ought to be. Forget about social norms and your in-laws' expectations. Grief is an endurance event; you’ll have time for thank you letters later. Right now, your only job is to somehow survive.

If you’re craving solitude or needing space, be brave enough to shut your door and stick a Do Not Disturb sign on it.

My advice is simple: There are no rules. Do what you need.


Reflection on this article;

  • There are no hard set rules on dealing with grief, do whatever helps to cope

#Grief #Loss #Coping #MentalHealth

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 11th, 2022


Agreed 100%, there's no right or wrong way to handle grief, whatever works for one is good enough. ❤️

Sending love and strength to anyone struggling with loss and grief. Hang in there. ❤️

comfortableNight4463 OP March 13th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Exactly! It might get easier with time but it truly never stops hurting

sunnyWriting4806 March 12th, 2022


Grief is a very personal thing that people go through. For some it may seem odd, but for them it's a very legitimate way of coping. Everyone has their own way of getting over the mountain, what matters is that we're all there unharmed and ready to move forward.

comfortableNight4463 OP March 13th, 2022

@sunnyWriting4806 Exactly. As long as its not a harm to you or others, do whatever you can to cope.