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Academy Project Agent Role Now Includes Hosting Academy Group Sessions!

Hope February 14th, 2022

Hi everyone! As you know we recently launched Orientation sessions! The aim of these sessions is to provide basic training to our academy trainees and act as an opportunity for academy trainees, grads, and mentors to get to know each other.

We are now recruiting academy project agents who will focus on Academy Sessions. These sessions are hosted in the Academy Hub Room. The room is only accessible to academy trainees, mentors, academy project agents, and graduates!

The role requires:

  • Hosting at least one orientation session each week. The session must be from the times available and falls on Tuesday.

    OR Hosting at least one academy check-in every week

  • If you wish to be a PA but can not make the time for orientation sessions, you can instead choose to lead a 1 hour session (ice breakers, trivia, games night or even an AMA session). It must happen once a week and at the same time, same day.

You are expected to dedicate 2 hours each week to the role.

Academy Orientation Sessions Schedule


Academy check-ins


Requirements To Join


  • Verified Listener


  • Academy Program Trainee (after completing the two-week trial) or Graduate (Any Program)

Priority will be given to Academy trainees and graduates. If you are an academy mentor who wishes to lead sessions, you do not need to sign up for this role. You can simply use the signup sheet to host sessions you are interested in.

Open Application Form Here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2022

Great role, @Hope, thanks for explaining it so well! ❤

amy247908 March 28th, 2022


Midnytte March 18th, 2022

Hey there just asking is there any coming up for April and when would date for that be posted, thank you for your time.