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Celebrate Course Completion Here!

Hope June 29th, 2022

Woohoo! You did it. Congratulations on completing the time management course!

What part did you benefit the most from?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 17th, 2022

Trying it now! 😀

Kudos to everyone making it to the end. ❤

Countrygirl095 February 20th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I scored 17 out of 20. I'm pretty excited right now.

MifiHelpholic July 25th, 2022


Started to read 🤩🙌😇

July 27th, 2022

@Hope ooh ooh. Forgot to post here.


I liked making spreadsheets about my todo lists

magicalOcean594 July 31st, 2022



deffintely the schedule and prioritizing

Daf8 August 12th, 2022

❤️ Thank you! I really enjoyed taking this course. I think the biggest benefit is observing and reviewing how we are using our time because it helps us to better invest it. However, the whole course is fantastic! Thank you for this course and wonderful resource ❤️

Heart4art April 13th, 2023

@Daf8 Great resources! I agree!

Daf8 May 20th, 2023

❤️ Thank you, beautiful person ❤️

August 19th, 2022

Done 👍

August 19th, 2022


What part did you benefit the most from?

The balance of roles and priorities

Teja007 December 27th, 2022


Finished all the paths, gave the quiz, scored 20/20

YourCaringConfidant January 10th, 2023

Well now that I heard of this as a new elective option for graduation, I had to come do and see it for myself. Lol. 17/20

broadfemmelovelive January 12th, 2023


This was an amazing course, thank you for all that was put into it. I really appreciated the breakdown of personal goals and how to benefit them the most. Just submitted the quiz!

Angelofheaven20 January 17th, 2023



It was very informative.

InvaderStitch January 21st, 2023


Completed the steps and did well on the theory part of the quiz. The only two I missed were because I misread the question, but it was still above 17!

Ravis889 January 27th, 2023


I probably benefited the most from making my own weekly schedule with the planner. I will try my best to follow it haha. I am proud of my grade :)

Vivikun9 January 28th, 2023


Completed the steps and quiz. I got 18 out of 20 right.

I did enjoy writing out my weekly plan. it was something new and different

YourCaringConfidant January 28th, 2023

@Vivikun9 Way to go! Proud of you!

GoldenNest2727 February 4th, 2023


Congratulations! I love how passionate you are to the program, and I hope you'll look for a leadership position at some point. Although Members can't be mentors (only Listeners can), you could become a project agent for the Academy and host orientation, group check-ins, and other events. Or you could choose to focus on reaching out to others - both alumni and potential members. You'd make a great project agent!

SolaceCares February 5th, 2023

@Hope Just finished! I got an 18/20 on the quiz. I really liked being able to figure out my priorities and adjust my goals based on my week's evaluation.

BlueSkies1021 February 11th, 2023


Woooo I finished the course! I got a 17/20, which means I passed. The part I benefitted most from was the understanding of prioritization and the quadrant-based thinking approach to managing my time! :D

NOTE: On my submission, I accidentally wrote my user as "BlueSkies1022" instead of BlueSkies1021. Sorry for the error!

Hope OP February 13th, 2023


Congratulations on finishing the course. I have updated your aname

purifyyoursoul February 19th, 2023

@Hope Done!

Bunny1637 February 28th, 2023


Finished! Such a fun course, well done on making it!

MentalOctopie9 March 1st, 2023

I have just completed the course!
Time management is a concept that permeates all aspects of our lives. Whether we are studying for a test, working on a project, or simply spending time with loved ones, the way we manage our time can have a profound impact on the quality of our experiences. At its core, time management is about making choices - choosing what to prioritize, what to devote our attention to, and what to let go of. In this sense, it is an inherently existential issue, as it speaks to the very nature of our existence and the choices we make about how to spend our finite time on this earth. The 7Cups time management course offers valuable insights and strategies for making these choices in a way that promotes personal growth and fulfillment.

GloriaD March 16th, 2023


I finally completed my Time Management course, woohoo 😃💛

I loved the entire course, it will help me make changes to my existing schedule and goals 🌻

AvyIsKing March 21st, 2023

woohoo! i finished!

i mostly just benefited from the entire course! I've already seen a change in how i do my day to day life, and its for the better.

ItsMrEnigma March 22nd, 2023


I loved the practical ending where I was able to apply it all to my own life!

ArianKae March 25th, 2023


Just finished!

Honestly I finished the quiz days ago but spent an obsessive amount of time on the practical application haha, I loved it!

Breeze2345 April 3rd, 2023


Congratulations to everyone for making it to the end!

What I enjoyed the most about this was about organizing our tasks as per quadrants

Breeze2345 April 7th, 2023

@Hope Thank you hope! I have completed the time management course!

zaatarHoney April 11th, 2023


I really love how in-depth all of the insight was. A lot of it established some of my mental processes for time management, but really solidified it in a much more concrete way. I really benefitted from the Quadrant knowledge-- in how to prioritize our weeks, and the reminder to assess at the end of each week so you're not doomed to repeat your patterns. I really enjoyed this. I saved it to my computer for future reference and intend to use it in my weekly planning. <3

nupolian April 12th, 2023


I just submitted my quiz! I felt a lot more organised and less scatter-brained this past week. Hopefully I pass :)

Prettypuffle369 April 12th, 2023


Am struggling on this course, wish me luck guys!!

Foreigner419 April 13th, 2023

Congrats to all and wish you luck to finish the Academy.

Heart4art April 13th, 2023

@Hope Congratulations!

ScorpiaD April 18th, 2023


Thank you for this course. I benefited a lot from taking this course. It wasn't just one part or two parts that I benefited from. It was the entire course and all of its parts I benefited from.

peacefulDreamer9487 April 28th, 2023

@Hope done! it was insightful!

empathicPresence9091 May 14th, 2023

I just submitted the Google form! I wished I'd discovered the first things first book earlier as I'm currently on summer break so I had very few things to write down in the appointments/commitments section of the weekly progress report Excel spreadsheet (I'm neither working or taking classes right now).

wishfulHero585 May 15th, 2023

@Hope I did it! I actually thought this course was really great, and it was more helpful than I expected it to be. I thought it was particularly interesting how goals were broken down into types and sorted by urgency/importance, and the way it talked about personal values and priorities. 🎉