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Member Appreciation Week: Compassion and Acceptance

User Profile: PeaceLoveandPaws
PeaceLoveandPaws May 28th, 2021

Hello and Happy Member Appreciation Week from the Bipolar Disorder Team. Our team’s theme is Compassion and Acceptance. Bipolar disorder is often stigmatized and misunderstood. Yet, we are all on the same journey, following life’s path towards compassion, acceptance, knowledge, and love. One of the most important things we can learn on our journeys is self compassion and acceptance.

Self compassion means being warm and understanding toward ourselves rather than ignoring our pain or kicking ourselves with self-criticism. Self-compassionate is being as gentle and kind to ourselves as we would be to a friend or loved one going through a similar experience. Self-compassion means taking a balanced approach to our negative emotions so that feelings are neither suppressed nor exaggerated. Mindfulness is a non-judgmental, open state of mind where you can observe your thoughts and feelings as they are, without trying to deny, minimize, or engage in negative self-talk or negative comparison of ourselves.

True self-acceptance means being aware of both your positive and negative traits without attaching negative emotions or judgment on who you are. It means being able to be objective about your strengths and weaknesses and not compromise on your self-worth. To put it simply, self-acceptance is understanding that your value is separate from your actions and qualities. Despite having made mistakes and flaws, these things do not define you.

What do you think of the quote, “Maybe what is really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed”?

How do you think you can begin to show yourself compassion?

What steps can you take towards owning your own story through self acceptance?

(Sources: Definition and Three Elements of Self Compassion | Kristin Neff ( , How To Accept Yourself Fully: A Guide To Self-Acceptance | Blog (

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User Profile: Sher217
Sher217 May 28th, 2021


Hey Paws!

I love the quote you shared and I love your use of pictures! This is a beautiful post Purple heart

~ Sher

1 reply
User Profile: PeaceLoveandPaws
PeaceLoveandPaws OP May 28th, 2021


Thank you.

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User Profile: azuladragon34
azuladragon34 May 29th, 2021


What do you think of the quote, “Maybe what is really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed”?: I really like the quote. It's very true.

How do you think you can begin to show yourself compassion?: Take some self care and hug myself.

What steps can you take towards owning your own story through self acceptance?: Well I can say my flaws are a part of me and they are beautiful no matter what anyone says.

User Profile: Rebekahwriter13
Rebekahwriter13 May 30th, 2021

What do you think of the quote, “Maybe what is really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed”?

First I like that quote, and secondly, it reminds me of the Tarot card 8 of swords that i keep get in my readings. . . the woman or man has a blindfold on and cannot not fix the problem in front of them because they have not taken the blindfold off. All I need to do is take the blindfold off and works around me.

How do you think you can begin to show yourself compassion?

Do things for me. . . enjoy that piece of pie, go for a walk, reorganize, not pressure myself for everything.

What steps can you take towards owning your own story through self acceptance?

I am focusing on my good qualities, skills, and talents.

User Profile: Aayla
Aayla June 1st, 2021

- What do you think of the quote, “Maybe what is really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed”?

I think it's true, sometimes we know exactly what we need to do but we're too afraid to step out of our comfort zone

- How do you think you can begin to show yourself compassion?

By not aiming to impossible standard, but rather focusing on small achievable goals

- What steps can you take towards owning your own story through self acceptance?

Embracing the truth that everyone makes mistakes and you can't always give your 100%

User Profile: YourCaringConfidant
YourCaringConfidant June 3rd, 2021


1. “Maybe what is really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed”?

I think that quote is so powerful because we, as flawed human beings, tend to have unrealistic ideas of things that are a must or things we should already have done or something we should have already become. We expect all the positivity that we think if something does not go as we planned in our head then we must ve failures. And many times we are so scared of failing that we don't even take the steps to try! If we change the way we think, we can change our lives for the better. Sometimes the thoughts in our brains is what needs to go. It is what needs to be re-evaluated and altered so we can actually move forward.

2. How do you think you can begin to show yourself compassion?

Easy-- by accepting the fact that we are not perfect, and that we never will be.

3. What steps can you take towards owning your own story through self acceptance?

Simple-- the first step is to learn to truly love self! You can't accept yourself if you do not love yourself, have not accepted and learned to live with who you are... all the good and the bad.

User Profile: Optimisticempath
Optimisticempath June 3rd, 2021

@PeaceLoveandPaws nicely written , thankyou .

I agree , what's holding us back needs to be worked upon

I can show myself compassion by allowing myself to take a break without feeling guilty and less worthy about it

I can start working on what's holding me back