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Meet The Communities Leadership Team

KyleBorg April 18th, 2022

Meet Our Communities Leadership Team

@CheeryMango (Communities Coordinator):
● Admin oversight for the community domain 
● Provides support and assistance to the Community Leadership Team
● Assisting with badge removal/removal from leadership roles

(Communities Ambassador):
 Oversees leadership activities across the domain (outreach, badging and onboarding for all forum roles + dashboards/check-ins)
● Oversight of forum engagement and assists with ad-hoc community projects and tasks
● Oversight of forum quality & moderation

@bookworm274 (Project Agent):
● Needs Reply Team Leader
● Assisting with adult Forum Supporter applications

@sunisshiningandsoareyou (Project Agent):
● Assisting with forum engagement activities and Needs Reply Posts
● Creates icebreakers and games in the community forums

(Project Agent):
 Assisting with Forum Supporter applications and onboarding
 Assisting with Forum Leader outreach

Kristynsmama (Project Agent):
 Assisting with leader onboarding & outreach
 Assisting with forum leader engagement & team bonding

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 18th, 2022


This is fabulous. Thanks for putting it together. ❤️

KyleBorg OP April 18th, 2022


Not to worry