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Prioritizing You: Self-Care for 7 Cups Leaders

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 September 26th, 2024

Hello, leaders and aspiring leaders!

Holding roles on 7 Cups can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also lead to exhaustion if we don't prioritize our well-being and strike the balance between what we do here and what we do for ourselves. Remember the motto: you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

In honor of Self-Care Awareness Month, I present you with some tips to help you find that sweet spot between giving your all and taking care of you:


  • Schedule it in: Just like you schedule chats, block out dedicated self-care time in your calendar. Whether it's a meditation session, a walk in nature, or simply reading a book, treat it with the same importance as your leadership duties.

  • Batch similar tasks: Group similar leadership tasks (like reviewing applications or responding to emails) into specific time blocks. This will help you stay focused and avoid context switching burnout.

  • Sharing is Caring: The Power of Teamwork: One of the most common traps for leaders is the urge to do everything themselves. While it might feel satisfying to be the one in charge, it's also a surefire way to burn out. Remember, leadership isn't about micromanaging or taking on all the responsibilities; it’s unrealistic and it also doesn’t allow others to step up to help and gain experience. Being willing to share the load is how we work smarter, not harder..

  • Collaboration = together, we achieve: Create opportunities for your team to work together on projects. Collaboration not only boosts productivity but also strengthens relationships with each other, not to mention it’s how 7 Cups operates. No one does anything alone. Check out this post I made exploring examples of how you can collaborate with your peers!

Setting Healthy Boundaries:

  • Know your limits: Be honest with yourself about how much you can handle. Don't feel obligated to take on more than feels comfortable. Saying "no" is a sign of strength and self-respect.

  • Communication is key: If you need a break from listening chats or leadership duties, let your fellow leaders and the 7 Cups team know. Clear communication fosters a supportive environment for everyone.

  • "Offline" time matters: Set clear boundaries around your personal time. Log out of the platform when you're finished for the day and resist the urge to check in constantly. There’s never anything so urgent here that you have to be “on call” or have to rush back online.

  • Be aware of how long you spend on 7 Cups. Most applications for roles have a general estimate of how much time is needed to perform the role. Use that as a measurement in combination with other roles you may be holding.

  • Self-Compassion Is a Thing: Don't be your own worst critic! Celebrate your accomplishments and acknowledge the challenges. Remind yourself that taking care of yourself is essential for effective leadership. 

Leading by example starts with taking care of yourself first. By prioritizing self-care, you'll be a more resilient, effective leader. One of our core values is Have fun and keep full.

So, lead with a full cup!


For further reading, subscribe to the 7 Cups Leadership community.

And if you're serious about honing your skills, consider enrolling in the Leadership Development Program.

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP September 26th, 2024
What are your tips for staying balanced? Links to great resources here? Any cautionary tales from personal wisdom? Please share below!
1 reply
User Profile: indigoBeechwood597
indigoBeechwood597 October 20th, 2024

I try to leave my work computer at work most days. Normally, I select the days I plan to work late maybe 3 days per week. I don't respond to emails or inquiries over the weekend. I need more balance...

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User Profile: dtanushree
dtanushree September 26th, 2024


Wow!! Lovee reading it 😋😋 To be honest, I got flashbacks of the times I was a newbie and was trying to handle few leadership roles all at once!! Hehe Sometimes the excitement of being able to help and enjoying the work makes us so restless that we keep on working and working till our mind wants some rest.. I've been through that situation and honestly this post is so helpful regarding selfcare for leaders!!

Thank you all the leaders for working hard but take good care of yourself ❤️ 

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo September 27th, 2024

There’s never anything so urgent here that you have to be “on call” or have to rush back online.


I don't feel the need to be on call but the number of times I'm 'just checking' before going to bed or symptoms do wake me up so I come here for passive time and that turns into something that does seem urgent ... well it's more than 1.

User Profile: WeEarth
WeEarth September 27th, 2024

Thank you @Heather225 for this thoughtful post  💗 I think our ability to support others begins with taking care of ourselves. This post is helpful and its a wonderful reminder for all our leaders. Thank you H for your supportive and caring nature 😊🙏

User Profile: daydreammemories
daydreammemories October 15th, 2024


Awesome post ❤️ 

Self care is definitely important for our health.