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How can I view the needs reply queue?

User Profile: tommy
tommy August 18th, 2024

How can I view the Needs Reply Queue?

The Needs Reply Queue is a list of threads which are yet to be responded to. We want every member of our community to feel welcomed, appreciated and included. We can do this by ensuring everyone gets a prompt reply. There are two ways you can access the needs reply queue: one which shows you all needs reply threads for the entire forum and another which shows you the needs reply threads specific to a community. 

Forum Needs Reply Queue
This is where every thread on the forum without a reply goes irrespective of the community it is posted in. Simple head here and click on the "Needs reply" tab:


This list starts with the oldest threads at the top, we want to try and ensure everyone gets a reply within 24 hours.

Community Specific Needs Reply Queue
This is a list of threads which were posted within that community that have not yet been responded to. This is great if you are wanting to help people in an area you are particularly passionate about. Simply head over to the community and click the 'Last active' drop down:


You can then change the dropdown to the 'Needs reply' option which will show you the threads that have not had any replies currently. Note: this page will appear blank if all threads have been responded to. Community leaders should check this regularly to support users within their chosen communities/topics.


What makes a good needs reply?
Whenever someone makes a forum post, they have trusted us with a small part of them. We need to respect this and provide them with a supportive and nurturing environment. We can do this by effective replying:

✔️ Avoid generic replies such as "go you!" or gifs with no text. These could make the original poster think we are simply clearing the queue without considering what they have to say.
✔️ Demonstrate active listening skills if you can - show that you are listening and taking on board what they are saying.
✔️ Encourage discussion - can you ask them any follow up questions or find a way to allow them to consider other eventualities?
✔️ Empathy - take the time to show the user that it's okay to feel the way they do. This helps promote a safe environment.
✔️ Non-judgemental - do not judge or share your own opinions on decisions another person has made. This is often unhelpful and can be upsetting.
✔️ Singpost - would the user benefit from other 7 Cups resources? Threads, communities, teams, projects, group support etc.

You can find more tips on effective replying here.

Do you have any other tips which people could consider when responding to needs reply posts? Let us now below 😃

User Profile: daydreammemories
daydreammemories August 18th, 2024


Thanks for the info 😊💚

User Profile: delightfulUnicorn38
delightfulUnicorn38 August 18th, 2024


Thank you for this post