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Tagging in the Forums (Reminder)

CheeryMango December 5th, 2022

Hello everyone.

I hope this post finds you well. I want this post to serve as a reminder for the community of the purpose of using tags in the forums. Recently, we have received an increased number of flags from users who do not wish to be tagged in posts that others have created. I know that a lot of users in the community make friends with each other and want everyone to be a part of their celebrations and keep them up to date on what is going on in their lives, but I would like us to be cautious when it comes to tagging others in our posts.

If you are reading this and are unfamiliar with what tagging is here on the site, I will provide a brief summary of what it is. Tagging refers to using a person's username (@username1) in your post. When you tag someone, you are essentially "linking" them in your post and they will receive a notification that you or anyone has tagged them. Tagging is done by using the @ (known as the 'at' or 'asperand' symbol) and the spelling of the usernames. It is important to ensure that you have the right spelling, letters, and numbers included, in the username for the person to see your post.

When it comes to dealing with the flags from users, the most that the forum team can do is just edit out the name of the person who does not wish for their username to be tagged in the post but even then it would be too late because the tag was already created.

Asking others if they are okay with being tagged in something is an important practice that is encouraged. When we tag someone in something, it is a sign of approval, and it is important to make sure that we are not tagging someone without their permission. This is especially true in cases where the content being tagged is sensitive or embarrassing.

By asking permission, we can ensure that the person being tagged is comfortable with the content and that it will not have a negative impact on their life. In addition, asking permission to tag someone is a sign of respect. It shows that we value the other person’s opinion and that we are willing to take their feelings into consideration.

If you are going to make a post in the community and wish to tag a group of persons who you would like to receive a notification about your post, please consider doing the following:

  1. Reach out to the person(s) and ask if they are okay with being tagged in your post(s).
  2. Once permission from the person(s) is given, then you can proceed with the posting of your forum post.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 5th, 2022


Important reminder, thankyou, MangoStar!❤

AffyAvo December 5th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thanks for sharing this!

Kyoshi December 5th, 2022

Thank you for the reminder, I've always not liked being tagged 😅 (unless it's an important post for team members/ or leadership related)

Luckily most of the people by now know I do not like to be tagged and ask me instead:)

I really hope this post helps reminding that sometimes being tagged can have negative impact even when the post itself is innocent (like celebration posts on holidays can be triggering for some)

VictoriaLove7 December 5th, 2022


Hi cheery, thanks for the information. I got a question, how to unsubscribe from a thread without having to ask the op? 😅

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 5th, 2022


The threads in the sub communities can be subscribed/ unsubscribed by clicking on the little flag/bookmark sort of icon, that will say subscribe/ unsubscribe when you hover on it.

You can find all your previously subscribed threads here: and you can go by manually unsubscribing from them.

In future, you can also "check off" the "subscribe to this thread" option while making any posts in a thread, as we get automatically subscribed otherwise. ^^

The key is to refresh the page after that. As sometimes I noticed despite clicking on the unsubscribe button, I still am subscribed to them. :") Could be a bug too.

I hope this isn't too confusing lol. Feel free to ask, if you have any questions. <3

VictoriaLove7 December 5th, 2022


Thank you so much, Sun 🌞 Ah, I see so refreshing is the key, I didn't refresh after clicking the bookmark icon lol.

And thank you for the link to see what I'm subscribed to! That's very helpful! 🌞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 5th, 2022

@VictoriaLove7 Happy to help!🌝❤

FrenchMarbles December 5th, 2022

@CheeryMango I agree, I also do think there should be a way to prevent spam notifications if we aren't tagged in it. For example this forum while it is useful. It isn't relevant to every person and sadly to me it's frustrating having to close individual notifications that aren't even tagged to me. There should be a way to disable automatic notifications because otherwise I cna be gone for a few days and come back to 20 plus notifications.

kindSoul10 December 5th, 2022

@7community @heather225 @glenm

I have a one million dollar idea for maybe 10 lines of code!

Idea: how to decrease conflict about tags effectively.

A switch to turn off notifications for tags.

Pseudo code:

Create a notification for User if

TheTaggingUser isn't in the block list and User accepts tags.

AmintaBlack December 5th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thank you Mango! I do have a question for forum supporters. Since we no longer have taglist that can be automatically updated are we still allowed to use that list for our subcommunity?

MistyMagic December 5th, 2022

@AmintaBlack Hi! Your sub-community taglist is one that people ask to be added to so it is still fine to use. Have you read the post by Charlie about the new automated list?

Let me know if I can help with that.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

calmMango9611 December 5th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thank you for addressing this.

HopieRemi December 5th, 2022


I saw that too a couple weeks ago and I was unsure of how to truly act in response so I am glad that you made this update about it. Maybe eventually we can have tags be like how some social media does tags and people would be able to untag themselves or have to approve tags

soulsings December 5th, 2022

@CheeryMango thank you for the post.

If you are tagged on the 7 Cups forums because you signed up for a community tag list, please check with that community and ask to be removed from the taglist if you no longer want to be tagged.

December 7th, 2022


Thank you for this insight❤️

HopieRemi December 19th, 2022

Bump. I feel like this needs to be reminded again.