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The value of forum upvotes

Roadie June 11th, 2015

[Note: Originally posted in Listeners Only forums, but moved to general forum because this is relevant for all!]

There is something that I've notice about the forums while just observing and not actively participating.

If you're interested in supporting people, truly interested in supporting people, I ask you to try this one thing after reading this post. Go to one support forum thread and read someone's story. You don't need to reply but just read.

I think we can all recall times in our lives when we have been hurt, have been spurned, or have felt alone. Have been lost in our negative thoughts, seeking affirmation from others whether it be positive or whether it be negative.

Do you remember those times?

When I read the support forums, I see hundreds of posts made every day by members. And I see hundreds of threads created by those same members.

What are they after when they post?

Are they after a panacea, a magic bullet to cure all of their ills?

Can you think of a time when you've been there?

When you feel as though you're alone, hiding in the dark. Terrified from the
lack of light, all you are after is one spark to inspire. One spark to remind you that you are important. One spark to acknowledge that you're still worthy of someone's time and attention.

So when I see post after post after post unacknowledged, it makes me wonder. If I was them and I had shown the courage to spill my soul out onto the page for others and nobody had acknowledged that it had even been seen. How would I feel?

As a listener community, we give appreciation readily and openly to one another. Community shout outs to listeners are posted every day. Anonymous appreciation messages are sent daily, again to fellow listeners. Acknowledgement after acknowledgement of one another which is so kind and open however why can this not be shared with our members?

Let me just say this.

A man beaten down by society sits on the side of the road, soul destroyed. Watching person after person look away quickly to avoid his gaze. It makes you feel like less of a human being. A smile, an acknowledgement is worth more to that man than all of the gold that has been mined from this earth.

In the support forums, that acknowledgement is easy. It's called an upvote. A simple click of an upvote to show that someone has taken the time and care to read what they have posted.

Please, spend 30 seconds and make a difference to a member's life today because a forum upvote can be all that it takes.

Briana98 October 22nd, 2015

It's almost been a week! I'll help with the bumping (: I think this is my favorite forum post

ZaraSmiles October 22nd, 2015

Nudging this thread back up to the dashboard because this message is so vital!

charmingUnicorn97 October 25th, 2015

I absolutely love this post, I think every listener should have a look at this because it's not just about giving a member an upvote but acknowledging someone's existence, acknowledging that you've read what they said and that you emphasise with put it simply a way of saying "I get you".

Lilylistens October 27th, 2015

Bumping (again).

SilentSerenityy October 30th, 2015

I often upvote threads as a way to let them know that someone's read it or just acknowledged it. But I often think that maybe they would've preferred a response or think I'm up voting their pain which isn't the case. Sometimes I dont have the time to read a lot of writing and I wouldn't want to respond with a less than satisfactory comment.

Roadie OP November 26th, 2015

Bumping up for new listeners

Amelia November 26th, 2015


Or to shamelessly promote your favorite thread wink

Lilylistens December 6th, 2015

Bumping up

Lilylistens January 3rd, 2016

Giving this a bump into the new year...

Lilylistens January 13th, 2016


Zed786 January 13th, 2016

Wise reflective words. It necessitates us to be 'in the moment' I think. We are busy, under pressure and often anxious people. All too often we just don't think we have enough time and take in what we can at a furious oft times confusing pace, without stopping and being in the moment enough. So yes I agree, we should show we have been in the moment and upvote what we liked, agreed with, found humorous and uplifting to our spirits.



January 13th, 2016

Upvotes huh.

Lilylistens February 1st, 2016

I encourage every listener to consider reading the original post in this thread by @Roadie as I think the idea of Roadie's post has encouraged a lot of good here in the forums, and can continue to do so.

Thank you.

@mscoxie @bookworm4 @batmb @Pat @musicalMagic @obscureSam @Helena @mats @Annie @helpinghand91 @dazedandconfused22 @SmokeyStar @vivelespatates ps; I think forum upvotes are cool beans :)

Helena February 1st, 2016

@Lilylistens true, it's such an easy thing to do and makes people feel heard. I admit, I forget sometimes, but I will be more aware from now on smiley

mscoxie February 1st, 2016

@Lilylistens I Concur with you about the beans lol!!laugh

bookworm4 February 2nd, 2016

@Lilylistens~ thank you for the tag :) ...

mats February 2nd, 2016

@Lilylistens Thank you for the tag. I'll definiteley have these words in mind when using the forums from now on :)

obscureSam February 1st, 2016


thanks for tagging me here, I've never seen this amazing thread before.

I guess it's time for me to pump up laugh


lovelyOcean54 February 2nd, 2016

@skyisblue Love REALLY is in the air!!!

dazedandconfused22 February 2nd, 2016

I have to admit this gave me chills heart Thank you for this! I will ponder this one for awhile, and also make a more concerted effort to wander through the forums. @lilylistens

cristiana33 February 9th, 2016

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder.

Upvotes are really important. So make sure that whenever you reply to a thread/post, to upvote it as well. It's important to make that person see you are supporting them.

I personally see responses = support addressed, and upvotes = accepting their struggles. Both are amazingly helpful for our members to feel better!

musicalMagic February 20th, 2016

@Roadie 💞Wow Roadie, an incredible post from an incredible human being! You are so right and this post will forever change how I read and think about every post I read from now on. Truer words were never spoken! I want to thank you for this and all of the incredible work you do and have done here! I hope everyone takes the time to read this post, I really think it is important!! Thank you for caring so much Roadie!💞

I also want to thank @Lilylistens for calling my attention to this post!💞

DeborahUK February 22nd, 2016

As someone who's spent a lot of my time here on a member account, and who tries to respond as one member to another where I feel I can offer some support, please don't forget members are human too.

Members have compassion, members care for others, members can empathise.

Is it possible for this post to be in a forum that members can also read? It's given me more confidence that, as a member or a listener, compassion costs nothing and I can make a huge difference by offering something as simple as an upvote.

Roadie OP April 2nd, 2016


Something for @Anomalia, I think

Anomalia April 2nd, 2016

@DeborahUK - Great idea! This is definitely a super relevant post for everyone in the community. :)

Thanks, @Roadie for tagging me in!

DeborahUK April 2nd, 2016


Thanks for listening :)

ImNotFlynn May 29th, 2016

@DeborahUK GREAT

Lilylistens April 28th, 2016


Arcie April 28th, 2016

I love this post!!! Upvotes definitely are important!!

Endearingfriend May 26th, 2016

@ItsE I agree please upvote me :(

May 26th, 2016

@Endearingfriend Upvoted wink

Endearingfriend May 26th, 2016

@skyisblue you too haha ;)

MelodyClementi July 21st, 2016

@Endearingfriend I can feel you. Relate. :p Upvoted! :)

SarahLove May 27th, 2016


HiEveryone1234 April 29th, 2016


Dude, I'm crying. SO TRUE (this place keeps bringing tears to my eyes! surpriselaughsurpriselaughsurprise

Roadie OP April 30th, 2016


It's all good my friend :)

Carriebradshaw May 25th, 2016


SarahLove September 10th, 2016

@Carriebradshaw Cute. xD

EyeRain56 May 30th, 2016

Thank you for saying that!

EyeRain56 June 3rd, 2016

Hey Guys, i need more forum upvotes for the next certificate, help me out?