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Learn about Communities and earn a badge!

Hope December 13th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. As you know lately we have been making efforts to familiarise our users with our sub-communities. We had some success with sub-community workshops but we also want to do the training on a larger scale. It does not take a lot to understand the basics of sub-communities. By the end of doing the activities/steps in this post, you should be ready to explore sub-communities on your own.

Anyone who completes all of the following steps and lets us know in this thread will get the explorer badge.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Complete this Quiz

Step 3: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Thank you to @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

mailOnce you have received the explorer badge, you become eligible to take part in the Building Community Program. Find more information here

January 27th, 2021


I like how we have topics for just about everyoen for sub communities.

I also enjoy the check in threads that are a weekly/ daily basis.

January 27th, 2021

@Moon8882 ive completed both steps

JessHobson January 27th, 2021

Thank you for this! I scored 8/10 so learnt 2 new things about sub-communities!

blindHeart12 January 27th, 2021


i did both the step.

My speaker was bad so could not understnad the audio. But the highlighted used in video were v clear and can be understable well. Simple and easy way to know about subcommunity. i score 10/10

quiz were nicely design so give the option clarity more.

thank you tazzie for your effort. well done.

Ines1229 January 27th, 2021


Done! I got 10/10! <3 I think both the video and the quiz is going to improve the understanding of sub-communities and it's an extremely useful useful thing for so many members! Thank you for this!

azuladragon34 January 27th, 2021


I did steps 1 and 2 and I liked everything including the detailed video and the quiz to test our knowledge

Chevy81 January 27th, 2021

I learned that there's actually more than one way to join group chat from sub community ha. It is always a good thing to learn a new thing in a new way <3 thank you for the video and the quiz @Tazzie I enjoyed them both.

Rebekah January 27th, 2021

@Hope, I've done all steps, I liked how the video was very specific and had a run-through guide!

Suryansh January 27th, 2021

@Hope @Tazzie

Thank You for making the quiz and video. That was literally interesting and informative. It will definitely give much information and knowledge about sub-communities, group support, and forums to our many listeners and members. I got a 10/10 on the quiz Smiling with smiling eyes Thank You! Red heart

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Rooibos14 January 27th, 2021

Awesome way to learn more about sub-communtites! Have completed both steps and they were straight forward and easy to follow

FinleyTews January 27th, 2021

I completed step 1 and 2. I already knew the answers but this quiz would be a helpful intro to newbies. Thanks for creating this.

FrankCastle12 January 27th, 2021

I've done both steps 1. Video (Done) 2. Quiz (Done) 8/10

Mistymichelle January 27th, 2021

Hi I completed both steps 1 and 2. I have learned how to join and participate in a sub community :-)

TheRed0793 January 27th, 2021

Well I got9/10 did a silly mistake. It was good way to introduce everyone about communities

VerseArt January 27th, 2021

Hello @Hope & @Tazzie

Thank you for making the post. The video looks great. I got a 10/10 on the quiz. It was really interesting. <3

DaisyDaph January 27th, 2021

Done! I scored 10/10 woohoo!!

The video was very straightforward and simple, yet very informational. I loved the way @Tazzie showed us as she explained each aspect. I liked the quiz as well; it helped me make sure I learned what each part means in a sub-community; as well as how and where I can find certain features. Thank you for this!! heart

enchantedlove January 27th, 2021

@Hope 10/10! thanks so much for making the awesome activity! i really liked the informative nature of the video!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 27th, 2021


This is amazing !! ❤

Yayyy 10/10 on the quiz 😁 !! Completed the quiz and watched the video!

I really liked, how the video includes the basics of in and around the sub communities ! Nicely explained! Also, sweet Voiceover, @Tazzie ❤

Miika815 January 27th, 2021

I've competed the 2 steps :)

SameerM January 27th, 2021


I completed both steps with a quiz score of 9/10. This video will help members alot and I hope they'll come to know about the interesting communities here! 💖

Amara98 January 27th, 2021


I learnt a lot about the various subcommunities we have on 7 cups and I enjoyed the quiz as well

cuteOrange213 January 27th, 2021


I did step one and two. I enjoyed the video as it goes over all the basics which are very helpful.laugh

PullUpAChair January 27th, 2021

I completed step 1 and 2. I liked that this allows for more focused groups to communicate with each other.

raspberryLion6232 January 27th, 2021

I Like this app!

starryskies108 January 27th, 2021


Both steps done! I liked how informative the quiz/video were and loved answering the questions and testing my knowledge on sub coms!

starryskies108 January 27th, 2021

@starryskies108 oh and I got 10/10 in the quiz, yay!

softMusic9759 January 27th, 2021

Done! I really liked how simple and easy to understand the video!

InvaderStitch January 27th, 2021


Sher217 January 27th, 2021

Done! I liked that the video was easy to follow along (not too fast in the instructions)

LilacKalypso9 January 27th, 2021

@Hope All done, I scored 10/10🥰

I liked how the instructions within the video were informative and easy to follow. So, for anyone who's new, it'll be an ideal learning resource for them when they plan to become more active in the Subcommunities!

Ghost0fYou January 27th, 2021

Done. Liked that the video was slow and it had screenshots of all the things they were talking about.

BlueSkies2563 January 27th, 2021


Completed both steps 1 and 2.

I had already joined sub-communities, but I wasn't using the resources fully because of lack of knowledge. The video was a great way to get familiar with sub-communities as a whole, and I now have the knowledge to make better use of the tools and support available.

anonhelp123 January 27th, 2021


I've completed both the steps.

I've learned how to navigate very quickly to the diferent sub-communities on my own instead of troubling Listener Support Group and feel more confident to assist in a better capacity

rebecca947 January 27th, 2021

Woo, done ❤️ it was a good, clear and succinct summary of the Community. Well done Tazzie!

AffyAvo January 27th, 2021

Done. I like that different aspects were covered.

Jili January 27th, 2021

Received 10/10 for the quiz, very informative video!

January 27th, 2021

Done 10/10

angelic1 January 27th, 2021

@Hope I'm not able to view the video due to computer problems, but Thank you.

DayDreamWithYou January 27th, 2021

Done :)

Celaeno January 27th, 2021

Done! The video was comprehensive and easy to follow (well done, @Tazzie!)