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Subcommunity Forums Update #1!

CheeryMango February 11th, 2022

Hello everyone!

I'm here to provide the community with a few updates that will be taking place in the next few months. The 7cups subcommunities will be undergoing a total forum restructure over the next few months to ensure that the forums in the various subcommunities are easier to navigate and easy with the new member homepage and soon-to-be listener homepage. Please take note of the following below:

  • At this time, no new subforums will be created. Although a few have requested that subforums be created for specific topics, we will have to put that on hold until we are finished with the current list of subforums in the subcommunities. Additionally, I would like to request that the community leaders refrain from creating new subforums for the time being. I will provide an update as soon as this can be resumed.

  • The archive subforums will be removed from all subcommunities except 7cups Academy, Safety & Knowledge, Group Support, and Therapy subcommunities. In the event that a post is to be kept in a community/forum, community leaders and team leaders will be contacted.

  • You must be mindful of deleting and editing posts if you have global moderation across the entire site. It is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with and refer to the community's forum guidelines before editing a post. If you see a post that you believe needs to be deleted, please flag it with the flag option or message me (@CheeryMango) or @Mel with the link to the forum post. The post will be investigated further before a decision is made. In the event that a person deletes posts without notifying an admin or ambassador, their badge(s) will be removed or they will have their role on hold.

  • This procedure will be done until we find that there are no more posts being unfairly deleted in the community forums without the proper warnings and measures being taken.

Lastly, during the restructuring process, we will be merging forums, renaming a few, and moving threads around. After all the changes are processed, updates will be posted in this thread. Please stay tuned for future updates and information about this process.

@Heather225 @Mel @bookworm274 @tami150 @theriverissinging @sunisshiningandsoareyou @ouiCherie @Azalea98

@soulsings @MoonlightHelper1 @M4GIC @Azalea98 @Sher217 @Lucy2 @PoliteOcean @KateDoskocilova @RumpleSteeleSkin @Power @CheeryMango @VerseArt @rebecca947 @Bubblegumwings1234 @DayDreamWithYou @Mel @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC@pamharley003 @Eudaimonia99 @bookworm274 @tami150 @EmmaE @MyNameIsNicole @ashlyntheordinary @SnailPurple @usefulSummer3139 @DonaldDraper @whenitsdarklookforstars @brightSunset61 @Fristo @Mango3 @QuietMagic @ouiCherie @LavenderHere @Sher217 @Greenchoice1 @hopebeyondpain @aeris156 @hopedreamlove@amiablePeace77 @MeaningfulSilence @WarmLightXO @KACOSMIC @MollyT @bestVase7265 @placidWest9840 @AffyAvo @wonderfulRainbow817 @MoonChild1206 @SnailPurple @TaranWanderer @amazingNutella24 @HopieRemi @DarkPiT23 @LoveToGod @LavenderFlower @sereneButton43 @KatieTheBigRockOne @lueurspace @sunshinegiraffe123 @hopezzy @SparklingSeashells @mamtasha22 @xinyii11@Moonlemon48 @mspretentious @xinyii11 @crang17 @KACOSMIC @Lele01 @MollyT @Sealiously @helpingxhearts @MoonChild1206 @LisaListens2ugladly @Clarisse29 @GoldenRuleJG @lemonicecreamcake @29Amy @Chloe1516 @Oceanwaves16
Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 11th, 2022


Thanks for letting us know, Mango! ❤

Heather225 February 11th, 2022

Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to the restructuring!

KyleBorg February 11th, 2022


Great update, thanks for letting me know about this, I look forward to seeing the new forum names etc.

GoldenRuleJG February 11th, 2022

@CheeryMango someone flagged my peer appreciation post for Mango3 although I said nothing inappropriate

CheeryMango OP February 12th, 2022

I’m sorry that happened Golden. We’ve noticed a lot of posts have misflagged with the flag option and we do remove the flags of posts that aren’t violating any forum guidelines.

theriverissinging February 12th, 2022


I just checked the post you were talking about and if you mean the way it looks like at the bottom of my post, that's not how posts are flagged. According to what I know, this is just some weird copy-paste thing that happens (I just copied and pasted the flag button in this case). So, the post is not flagged right now.

GoldenRuleJG February 12th, 2022

@theriverissinging ok river - I thought that seeing a black flag meant that someone has flagged your post . But thanks for clarifying 👍

Oceanwaves16 February 11th, 2022


Thank you for keeping us updated!

amiablePeace77 February 11th, 2022


Thanks for the update, look forward to further news when available.

GlenM February 11th, 2022

@cheerymango, thank you for all of your work and for helping us navigate these changes as a community. I appreciate the proactive help and leadership!

Sher217 February 11th, 2022


Hey Mango,

Thank you for the update 🙂

~ Sher

AffyAvo February 11th, 2022

Just to be totally clear, for now you don't want the forum team deleting anything? Ie. Double posts, spam, requests for deletion, etc.

CheeryMango OP February 12th, 2022

That’s right Affy. We’re investigating some posts that have been deleted recently and also trying to come up with an effective way for users in the community to report posts that have been accidentally deleted, so during this time we’re asking the forum team to just flag posts or message myself or Mel for the time being. We’re aiming to have things restored with the forum team being able to continue removing such posts by the end of the way and a way to help us track posts that they are deleting.

AffyAvo February 12th, 2022

@CheeryMango Ok sounds goid. Look forward to having a better system soon!

HopieRemi February 11th, 2022

Oh man a lot of threads lost in the archives. :( are we getting the chance to see if the content just needs to be updated ? @cheerymango

AffyAvo February 11th, 2022

@HopieRemi Definitely a lot of history in those posts 😢

HopieRemi February 11th, 2022

Yah agreed on history. @affyavo I don’t understand how deleting old threads would make finding content easier. @CheeryMango or how things are determined to no longer to be relevant. People put hard work into threads. Can’t imagine how some people might feel if they come back after not being active and their threads are gone.

CheeryMango OP February 12th, 2022


We’re not removing old content and threads just because we can, Hopie. We do care about the quality of the content that has been created years ago or even recently. There is old content that does well in engagement and rating and also ones that don’t. Removing old content has several benefits but I'll list 1-2 that are our main focus with this restructuring process:

- It can improve user experience and help us to ensure that users in the community are receiving access to new and current information and posts on the site. It can become confusing for users when their timeline is filled with posts and information from 5+ years ago that is no longer applicable to the site and the changes that have happened since the creation of those posts to now. We will be going through each subforum to determine which ones can stay and which ones can be deleted. But I will say that there will be a majority of posts to be deleted and we will keep important posts containing resources and informative threads.
- More room for new content: There are several communities that cover the same content and we want to ensure that there is one general location for posts to be posted there as opposed to being scattered throughout several communities and making it harder to find and access. We group content into 3 categories: Content that helps, content that does nothing for the site, and content that can hurt the site. There is a split between content that helps the site and content that does nothing for the site, so this is why we analyze to which ones are quality content (resources, informations, question, and answers, share your stories; these often do well in engagement and informative for users alike ) and which ones are low quality (posts that get no engagement, no targeted audience or are just random posts).
- Updating content requires a lot of work and persons willing to ensure that such content is updated and accurate on a regular basis. We don’t have that kind of support right now in the forum team or in the leadership team to update all of the posts in the archives. Only some posts will remain and the others will have to be deleted.

Hopefully, that helps to better clarify the reason why we’re doing this

LavenderHere February 13th, 2022

@CheeryMango " It can become confusing for users when their timeline is filled with posts and information from 5+ years ago that is no longer applicable to the site and the changes that have happened since the creation of those posts to now."===> That's the exact reason why they are in archives. They are present as a record but they are not a necessity so we have a space to store them to prevent confusion.

And I don't see a reason for old posts that does nothing for the site to be removed since they are someone's hard work as @HopieRemi pointed out. It might be better to just sort and restructure the posts instead of deleting them.
Archived posts can be marked outdated and there will be no requirement for updating them, so unless they cause any confusion, we can just mark them outdated and put in a link to the current post so everyone can go there.
HopieRemi February 13th, 2022

I agree with @labenderHere just mark

them as outdated. Deleting threads won’t make the forums any less confusing since you can’t search properly. @cheerymango

HopieRemi February 13th, 2022

@lavenderhere my bad

LavenderHere February 13th, 2022

@HopieRemi thank you for the corrected tag

Moonlemon48 February 12th, 2022

@CheeryMango thanks for letting us know!

bestVase7265 February 12th, 2022

Just hoping that I don't get lost. Thanks for the update.@CheeryMango

MyNameIsNicole February 13th, 2022



HealingTalk February 12th, 2022


Seems such a huge task!

Thank you for taking so much work for the benefit of the whole 7 Cups community.

We all trust your wise judgment regarding merging and deleting forums and modding posts.

It sure will be for the best.

AliveandAlive February 12th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thanks for the update!

tami150 February 12th, 2022


Thank you for letting us know, Mango💓

MilaAvery February 12th, 2022

Hello @CheeryMango 😁

Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to the new changes.

DayDreamWithYou February 12th, 2022


Thank you for the update! I actually had one question about "If you see a post that you believe needs to be deleted, please flag it with the flag option or message me (@CheeryMango) or @Mel with the link to the forum post."

Does this apply to posts that are duplicates? (and I'm assuming it's alright to delete if it is at the request of the person who posts it?)

AffyAvo February 12th, 2022

@DayDreamWithYou No deletions, see my question above.

DayDreamWithYou February 13th, 2022

@AffyAvo Ahh, I totally missed that. Thank you!

TortueDesBois February 12th, 2022

wow. no longer can delete double posts and those clearly spam. makes no sense. good luck handle it alone without the help from the wonderful forum team that will can sleep more.

TortueDesBois February 12th, 2022

the deletion of old or archived posts will pull down my stats hahaha i will miss my old posts 😭

AffyAvo February 14th, 2022

Can we get a bit more information about where things are being moved too? I had an old post in General Support. It has been in that area for years, likely before we even had Subcommunities.

I appreciate that it wasn't set to be deleted, but it was moved to Trauma Support - that seems to add a bit of an insinuation I didn't intend for my post.

CheeryMango OP February 15th, 2022


Can you message me with the link to that post so we can discuss where it would be best fitted? I'll ensure that it doesn't be removed per your request.

Wittie96 February 16th, 2022

Thanks for the update.

DarkPiT23 February 18th, 2022

Thankyou for the information :)