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What's the coolest thing that happened to you this week?

Rattles July 14th, 2018

I just had the week from hell, and the hell part didn't end with the week. But, I also had an incredibly cool moment in the field that gave me a much needed boost. So I had this idea to start a thread where we share the coolest moment of the week. If we can come up with one cool moment, we can say the week wasn't all bad, right?

So here's my cool thing to start it off. Two nights ago, while on my regular snake rescue patrol, my partner and I came across a big male rattlesnake who we've moved often enough to recognize him. We both jumped out of the SUV to say hello and move him on his way. He's a big boy, and it was hot, so he had the energy to really MOVE. When my partner reached for him with a hook, he zipped striaght to me and cuddled up againt my leg, behind my foot, as if expecting me to protect him from the scary hook! Then he noticed his tail was still hanging out, so he pulled that in, but that was a lot of snake to hide behind my small foot so he ended up all piled up, squashed up against my leg.

Of course he wasnt really cuddling with me. I was just a convenient thing to hide behind, but still sweet, We let him just hang out there until he started nosing at the opening to my pant leg and pushing the denim aside, clearly considering climbing up inside the leg of my jeans. At that point we reluctantly decided it was probably time to pick him up and send him on his way, so we did, but... cutest rattley encounter ever!!

Your turn!! Anything cool happen to you this week?

CharmingMemory52 July 14th, 2018

Hey. I'm sorry but I need your forum space just for a second. I'd like to give a shout out to @evolvingmind and @bestdaysoflife and also @caringsophiebearx. Something came up and these guys were left in the dark about everything.

Charmingmemory53 July 14th, 2018

Yeah, that just happened.

Charmingmemory53 July 14th, 2018


Charmingmemory53 July 14th, 2018

@Charmingmemory53 and also @bestdaysoflife

CharmingMemory52 July 14th, 2018

Oh wait. Something cool did happen. I got around to playing around with some chemistry and made a few new discoveries. Also I got around to building up something that I wanted to from a really long time.

CharmingMemory52 July 14th, 2018

That sure is scary AND cool!

CharmingMemory52 July 14th, 2018

Rock on snake patrol dude!

Rattles OP July 15th, 2018

Thanks :-)

Charmingmemory53 July 14th, 2018

@Rattles thanks man. Sorry for the disturbance.

Rattles OP July 15th, 2018

@Charmingmemory53 No worries :-)

inventiveCup924 July 14th, 2018


That's even funnier and cooler considering your name. lol. My week was fun, we went to the beach for a couple of days. Loved it! :D

Rattles OP July 15th, 2018


Rattles OP July 15th, 2018

@inventiveCup924 Love beaches! Sounds like fun!

carefreeHeart57 July 15th, 2018


What a cool story! I had no idea that snakes would do something like that - very cool!

Rattles OP July 15th, 2018

@carefreeHeart57 It WAS fun! How about you? Anything ocol happen this week?

carefreeHeart57 July 15th, 2018


My family came to visit this weekend. I have two cats - the girl is standoffish. She is not mean, but she is not affectionate to anyone but me. The boy is a big teddy bear and loves everyone and everything. My Dad put on cologne yesterday morning and came down for breakfast. The girl cat decided he was the best thing in the world. She jumped up on his lap and was rubbing all over him and when the boy tried to get near my dad, she growled at him and sent him away. Drakkar Noir must contain catnip!

Rattles OP July 16th, 2018

@carefreeHeart57 I LOVE this! Now you need to film it -- her reaction without the cologne and then with it! She'll become the star of the new ad campaign!

carefreeHeart57 July 17th, 2018


Aren't animals the best!?! They just act instinctively and it is truly marvelous!

Rattles OP July 17th, 2018

@carefreeHeart57 Totally!

PandaPower July 15th, 2018

I got out of jury duty. angel I am disabled but I had to go through a lot of steps to do so.

Rattles OP July 30th, 2018

@PandaPower Glad you were able to get it worked out!

MistyMagic July 20th, 2018


Heyyy I love hearing about your snake exploits! So cool having a snake do that and not get freaked out. You really should have a snake thread?

I havent had any really cool things happen this week . . yet!

Rattles OP July 21st, 2018

@MistyMagic thanks Miaty!

SoulfullyAButterfly July 28th, 2018

@Rattles no cool story to report, certainly no snakes. Yikes, you are one good patrol officer, Rattles. And yes, the username makes it even cooler!

I think the partially cool thing which happened was finishing this great detective series in 4 days this week. So, instead of any in-life or virtual experience, I was basically in Booksville wink

Rattles OP July 30th, 2018

@SoulfullyAButterfly Very cool! Finding a new "world " to in habit is always fun! What's the series?

SoulfullyAButterfly July 30th, 2018

@Rattles The Frieda Klein Mysterries Series - 8 books by Nicci French.

Rattles OP July 31st, 2018

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thanks!!

shyWater3010 July 28th, 2018


WOW!! what an encounter!! That really is COOOOOOL!!

I live in the UK and the only snakes we have (as far as I know) are Grass Snakes and Adders, I have only seen one baby Grass Snake in the wild in all my 59 years of living here and I love snakes so I am, although delighted for you, a little jealous here!!

The coolest thing that has happened to me this week is finding 7 cups of tea :-)

Rattles OP July 30th, 2018

@shyWater3010 i'm glad you found 7 Cups! Where do you live in the UK? I know there are opportunities in Scotland yo work in adder conservation. Maybe you should se if there are any places to visit there where you can enjoy seeing them or even volunteer to help with the conservation. :-)

Tinycupcake July 28th, 2018

I got a new Job. So that's great

MeaningfulSilence July 29th, 2018


Whoo-hoo!!! Time to celebrate then!!

Congratulations for the new job! yes

Tinycupcake July 29th, 2018

@BeyondTheInvisible Thank you so much!

Rattles OP July 30th, 2018

@Tinycupcake That's great news!! Is it one you'll enjoy?

Tinycupcake July 30th, 2018

@Rattles I hope so. I've never done this kinda work before so i'm excited to try it.

DaveMcGrath July 29th, 2018

Left the 35+ team and joined the 50+ team. If all goes correctly, I'll be sticking around.

MistyMagic July 29th, 2018


Wow Dave thats a quick 15 years age up lol yes

MeaningfulSilence July 29th, 2018


LOL Magic!! laugh

DaveMcGrath July 29th, 2018


Not much interesting happened before that.

*hides flaming wreckage in background*

MistyMagic July 29th, 2018


least its good to toast marshmallows on

Rattles OP July 30th, 2018

@DaveMcGrath One of my favorite sayings: A good friend will bail you out of jail. A GREAT friends is sitting on the bench next to you saying, "Damn, that was fun!"