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scaryperry1 January 4th, 2022

My job ends February 25th. My employer, a medical device and consumer electronics manufacturer who's name you'd recognize, is moving this particular location to India. I'm 54 so too young to retire, and I couldn't afford it anyway. I don't relish the idea of being on the job market again. Plus, who'd hire me when there's so many younger, healthier, more energetic people to choose from? Here's the question. Is there anything left in life to look forward to or is it time to cash in and check out?

January 4th, 2022


take this leap of faith and do whatever you want to now that you have the freedom to do so- apply to a job you always dreamed of!

54 is not that old and the years of experience is very valuable.

You got this!

scaryperry1 OP January 4th, 2022

Thank you for responding. I wish I knew what that dream was, or that there was even a dream at all. As a husband and a father it's been my responsibility to defer whatever dreams I've had in order to help fulfill the dreams of others. They were deferred so long ago that they no longer exist, whatever they were. I literally don't remember. Like muscles atrophy if you don't exercise them, I suppose dreaming is the same. My dream muscle has atrophied.

amiableBlackberry92 January 4th, 2022


Look at this change as an opportunity. Maybe the universe is sending you a message. Maybe it's time for you to put yourself first.

I had a big change a few years back right at your age. I was terrified I wasn't going to make it, but hey look I'm here lol.

All jokes aside, this is a HUGE big deal. But your life's not even close to over. Try hard to think about giving yourself a little time to unwind and relax after such a big change.

Take it from me, I had big challenges to overcome and the workplace was one. I had a major personal trauma, a medical emergency with a family member that almost took their life. That's just a few of my mountains I've been climbing. I have a past childhood that is hard to tell and harder to hear.

I got help from an amazing therapist who helped me navigate all these major events coming at me all at once. Trust me I was a wreck. But I'm starting to make progress and I can say life's way better and I've learned that putting my needs first is really more important than I ever realized. Remember we are only here one life so run like crazy towards your dreams. They are in there you just need some time to find them. Best to you always ABB

January 4th, 2022


Well maybe find new dreams.

People change and dreams change.

Create a new life. Make it be whatever you want it to be.
January 4th, 2022

Maybe get a job in a similar field since you already have a lot of experience

move to a cool new city where there are more job opportunities ?

Peaceandlove65 January 5th, 2022


You definitely have a new adventure ahead of you. This door is closing, but something interesting is coming. It might come right away, or you might end up working temporary jobs until you settle into something more permanent, but each experience you have will teach you something helpful. It's scary, but it is NOT the end of your world. Allow yourself some cautious optimism and hope for the future.