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Strange situation

LovelyPlace4774 April 13th, 2022

***I don't know if this should have a trigger warning, but just in case***

Have you ever been in a situation that you felt awkward and uncomfortable and maybe even bad or wrong, but at the same time, you felt heard and semi-liked the interaction?

I am struggling with this right now. It happened in a chat, a friendly chat...that turned into something that you might see on a dating site. I am frustrated because I really need the attention, but not that kind of attention.

adventurousBranch3786 April 14th, 2022

@LovelyPlace4774 I think that I can relate. I used to accept any kind of attention (even potentially harmful attention). It took a while for me to realize that I was worthy of looking for attention that was positive and beneficial for me. It’s nice to see you here in 50+. I hope that you can get some helpful attention here.

LovelyPlace4774 OP April 14th, 2022


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I agree that the type of attention I need is positive. I seem to fall back into bad patterns when I'm lonely. I will officially be 50 in about 3 weeks. I am glad to be here too 😊

adventurousBranch3786 April 15th, 2022

@LovelyPlace4774 I hear you I used to fall back on bad habits too. I forgot to mention that 50+ has group discussions

If you are ever interested you would be welcome to attend ❤️.

adventurousBranch3786 April 15th, 2022

@LovelyPlace4774. Oops wrong link.This should be the right one.

For the combined schedule for mindfulness and 50+ discussions check here:

LovelyPlace4774 OP April 15th, 2022


Awesome. Thank you 😊

Tabnit April 15th, 2022


I have been dealing with this also. I'm sure I am talking to a romance scammer, but I like the attention.