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Can't find help I can afford

EllisJay61 December 28th, 2023

I have been really depressed lately and I take these self assessments and they tell me I would benefit from therapy. Then I'm prompted to contact one of the doctors through here. Which is helpful, except I certainly can't afford $250 per session, or whatever they charge-it's always more than most of us can afford to pay on a weekly basis. I'm tired of having a carrot dangles in front of me, teasing me that help is actually available at a rate I can afford. So I suffer. My family suffers. The world suffers because no one cares any more. I have stopped caring as well. It's hard to care anymore after trying all these years to make things better.

December 28th, 2023

@EllisJay61 i m sorry to hear that you had to go through all that, i understand it must  seems like a lot but i hope things can get better for you soon or sooner. we are here for you and we do care!

adventurousBranch3786 December 28th, 2023

@EllisJay61 Sometimes there are free support groups. You can check in the internet for your area if you are interested.

If you live in the United States NAMI and  DBSA have free support groups for depression.

we also have daily discussions in the 50+ community that you are welcome to attend.

For the schedule check here:

rainydaytown December 29th, 2023

@EllisJay61 I also feel the same without the funds to get the longer-term and in-depth help I need. There are online free resources but they just scratch the surface and feel superficial. I hope you find the support you need