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determinedSea6259 June 22nd, 2022

Hello everyone! I’m new here. I’m a 40 year old single mom of one. My son recently graduated high school and is about to take the steps into adulthood. I struggle with anxiety and within the last few months the struggle has been real! A few months ago I had tested positive for strep and here I am 3 months later dealing with some unknown condition. I would have never in a million years thought something as basic as strep throat would turn into a major health issue which would have me out of work for almost 4 months and causing such a spiraling effect of stress and more anxiety!

Before dealing with all of this, I enjoyed taking walks outside, enjoying nature, traveling, reading books, etc but I haven’t enjoyed most things here lately due to not having the energy to do any of it so this app was suggested through my health insurance and I’m hoping to get back to a happy medium!

wonderfulSoul4237 June 23rd, 2022

@determinedSea6259 Hello, it sounds like you're feeling stressed and anxious due to the strep throat and your son transitioning into adulthood. This resource may be helpful to you in dealing with the additional anxiety and stress brought on by these changes: I'm hearing that you miss many of the ways in which you used to explore the world, and I hope you succeed in finding the balance in your life. Feel free to message me anytime if you want to talk more about this.

DakotaRaven June 23rd, 2022

Hi. We have a lot in common. I struggle with the same mental health issues, and I am also a single mom, and my son also just graduated high school... while we were at the graduation, I seem to have picked up covid, which is also amping up my anxiety. I imagine we probably have a lot of similar worries. I joined this site back when I was struggling with a toxic relationship and health issues. It helped to not feel so alone. Sending healing thoughts your way, and feel free to message me any time you'd like someone to talk to.

determinedSea6259 OP June 23rd, 2022

Thank you so much for this post! I really appreciate it! It definitely sounds like we are going through similar things and it helps to know that I am not alone!

DakotaRaven October 2nd, 2022

Hi determined...I hope you are feeling better from your illness. How are things going?

GreenWoods June 23rd, 2022

Hi @determinedsea6259 - welcome to the platform and the community! It sounds like you are navigating a lot of things. Long term health conditions are particularly challenging. They often come out of the blue and can really knock you.

There are lots of things to do and explore here - like growth path steps and doing chats with listeners who can help you explore whats going on in your life right now.

If you’re interested, a new type of group support is launching on the platform in 1 week where you can meet up regularly with the same group over an 8 week period to explore together. Let me know if you’d like to try it out!

slowdecline48 June 23rd, 2022


Hi, Sea. Welcome to 7Cups... Your stress is understandable, I guess (never been a parent myself but have heard about it). When you raise a child, the day will come when he will spread his wings & leave the nest you painstakingly constructed for him to grow in. Try to accept the fact that he is an adult & has to make his way in the world.

As for your condition, the sooner you get a solid diagnosis, the better. Hopefully it isn't anything chronic!

toughTiger6481 October 2nd, 2022


It is hard to watch them spread their wings and it will hit you sometime that they need you less as they grow and venture out on their own.........

As for the health thing i think anxiety makes any diagnosis worse and stress slows if not impedes healing.

Many simple conditions in the right person can be much more...... i once developed a serious illness from a minor thing simply because i have no previous exposure to that virus. It is scary and adds to stress but it too shall pass.... Take a deep breath and tell yourself you got this .... health take one day at a time and embrace change in your life.

YOU are not alone.