How about just some casual conversations?
What are you most looking forward to this holiday season?
@SunDappleMemory not to get sick eating all the tasty stuff in this holidays. Until now im ok.
All the movies i remember watching Christmas & new year holidays always were with snow but...i live in south hemisphere so no snowman in the street, Santa is burning his ass off in that costume and i just want to eat watermelon soon hahaha
Fireworks and pets. Many pets run out home scared for the fireworks and many died run over in the highway. Idk why Sofie is not so much concern about fireworks...she just stay in place, put alert mode ears and then she stare at me. The other dogs in the house bark and bark at the night to show their "hate those thing".
Oh, but if i turn on the Classic Xbox Sofie put herself in the corner right away. Sometimes she stare at the 📺 because of the object movements.
Pets can be weird like that. Had 1 cat who was all riled up until midnight & the fireworks hit while the other cat was chill. Then new years firework came along and my 2nd cat was literally scared out of his mind while the 1st was perfectly calm. Like, what cat what is even going on inside of you.
Love your profile pic :)
I wish there were new movies releasing in theatre
Well...........In my case I am alone and lookinfg for someone to come in my life......what you guys think of I am 40 you think i should go for having new life partner in this age or i should live my life as it is ??