Real Connections.
These days, conversations seem superficial. People say typical niceties, so that they can come to the real business. Everybody is in a hurry to reach God knows where. Probably some goal that social media told them to follow. We all see huggy, kissy emoticons all the time from plenty of people. But, Is the person behind that feeling anything. Most people long for real connections. Someone who wants to be on the same path as you, by your side. But these days, relationships hang by a thread. Social media is fast. You have to follow all the happening stuff in your relationship or you are lagging behind. Gone are the days when being with a person was enough to make you happy and fulfilled.
Thank you for sharing this with us here.
@DragoBludvist I agree with you. Most people long for real connections but get typical niceties instead.
At 7 Cups the sense of being with a person is difficult to achieve, even in 1-to-1 chats, although I think it can sometimes be done. If you'd ever like to chat to me about these things, or anything else, feel free to click on my profile picture and message me.
Well...........In my case I am alone and lookinfg for someone to come in my life......what you guys think of I am 40 you think i should go for having new life partner in this age or i should live my life as it is ??