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In my early 30s now and can't stop regretting missing opportunities in my 20

driftingquestion July 7th, 2021

Every single job or social opportunity I went the path of avoidance. Even while backpacking around the world, I hardly talked to anyone. I still want to backpack more, but I never drank while traveling with others or socialized much, I think it would be so awkward at hostels now. I cant stop regretting everything I missed, all the crappy variety of jobs I could have done, just for experiences, to toughen me up, to gain social skills. I'm about as mentally developed as an early 20 year old, but still mostly directionless in life. I have adhd I believe, along with the ever present anxiety and depression. So Ive never really accomplished much, my ever growing todo list and all the projects I get bored with as I start. I don't even know where to go from here, so restless I can't even settle in an apartment

vnguyen July 8th, 2021

Hi there, I can relate to your post and thank you for being so honest. I also have ADHD, found out really late in life. Fell into a spiral of depression and anxiety because I never finished anything and felt a lot of doubt and negative self worth. I’m trying to spend more time by myself, read more books, and try to travel more by myself. I don’t think I can be around people anymore, especially after Covid. I find myself dependent on a partner for self worth but hoping to be more independent and happy on my own. I’ll be 32 this year, after a failed marriage and not able to hold many jobs, I just need to find happiness from within. Trying to be more grateful in life and adjust from being lonely, to merely being alone. Thank you again for your post. I wish you the best. You are kind, you are smart, and you are beautiful. Stay positive