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Feeling really really low

orangePenny9659 December 6th, 2021

I am unable to feel happy or content. I have soo many things going for me, 2 kids under 5, starting new job after 5 yr break and loving loving partner.

I am feeling very low about what’s happening in the world.. everywhere I open the news I see about child cruelty, migrant deaths, yemen, Syria.. it is consuming me to the point I am breaking in tears I don’t know what to do. When I read about tragic death of a young child that couldve been avoided, I want to revive them.. years on after they’ve gone. It sucks that they can’t back to life. I go in cycles thinking about them I just can’t stop and enjoy my own children.. I am no danger to anyone, just incredibly sad

determinedShip1191 December 6th, 2021


I've stopped watching and reading the news for this reason, it seems it is designed to keep us in a constant state of anxiety or sadness.

AllisonPham December 7th, 2021


December 7th, 2021


i agree. I do not turn on the news. I turn it on for five minutes for a sneak peak and the check the weather. Then I keep it off.

There is so much kindness in this world and so many people who do good and all the news does is create a culture of fear.

We can’t turn a blind eye to those suffering but we can pick our battles and we can make choices in our life the ones we can control. The other ones we just have to let go.

If it bothers you so much join some company that fights for the rights of people suffering to make a real difference.

If you like your job and your life then live that way.

orangePenny9659 OP December 7th, 2021

Thank you for your reply.

I have deleted one forum app where theres many discussions on it about recent event it is really triggering. I am trying not to look at the news everyday. It is slightly better but in my head I keep re-living it. When I feel better then I feel guilty for being better and alive.

determinedShip1191 December 8th, 2021


That's good you've deleted the app, I think the next thing to understand is these problems are out of the scope of your control. The best thing you can do is help in a little way to improve the world around you.

LightBean111 December 7th, 2021

@orangePenny9659 i feel you

DepressedAnxiousDude81 December 7th, 2021


i understand and sympathize with your plight. The way of the world is horrendous in so many nations but that just shows how compassionate and considerate you are of other humans. But at the same time you can't control many situations like these and you can pray for them but at the same you shouldn't overthink things and stress yourself out unnecessarily. I due respect your diligence and admire your nobility but I would suggest don't watch the liberal news that intentionally promotes only certain stories to keep us anxious or depressed about it instead of covering the good stories that they hardly talk about. Prayers for your emotions to get better soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻

orangePenny9659 OP December 9th, 2021

Thank you everyone.

yes, I don’t look at news anymore but some things just stay in my mind. I am trying not to think about it. It seems very silly and like a first world problem so I didn’t know if I should have shared. I help out with charities and donate what I can but I understand life should go on.

honestOrange395 December 9th, 2021

@orangePenny9659 Sharing is the entire purpose of this forum - and you've done that well. If the news reports cause you too much stress, setting some strict boundaries with the news is completely reasonable. I mostly avoid the news and seem to be doing just fine professionally and personally :P

Starting a new job is stressful; starting work again after a time away is stressful; parenting little ones is stressful; stress is normal, but we have to be kind to ourselves while we learn to cope! You've got this, one step and one day at a time.