Hi, I have recently gotten hurt on the job and been laid up at home. It being my foot I can barely do anything. I cannot get out, as we have one vehicle my wife uses to go to work. I have been dealing with loneliness, abandonment, and depression; along with my addiction that has came back. I feel lost these days, I rarely smile. I don't know what to do.
Hi. I am sorry to hear about your accident. It is also sad to hear that you are feeling lonely, abandoned and depressed.
Sorry, but talking straight, man-to-man: I believe it is not a good moment to go back to an addiction? Especially when you are well aware of the fact that such a problem may exist?
From my personal and painful experience: Sometimes we feel something like it was here and now: feeling sad, useless, abandoned. But the reasons of such feelings may sometimes be buried somewhere deep in the past. I am not telling this must be true in your situation, but just that it happens...
Do you have any hobbies or interests you can take a pleasure with while staying at home?
Are there any things that you had always thought of doing it (I don't know: checking the bills, watching a movie, calling an old friend?), but never had enough time to do it?
What if you treated this break from your usual activities as the time for you, to stop for a while and to think, but to make you feel not more hurt, but better?
Thank you Jace, it means alot. I have watched just about all the movies we have, along with series. I have been doing playing games, and beaten pretty much all of them. I like your idea of something that I always wanted to do, as I have always entertained the idea of creating a character my own character and putting him into one of the shows I watch, aka a fanfic.
It sounds like you have plans now, great to hear!
Sad to hear about the injury, but yeah the reply Is correct. Now that you no longer have the stress of working, you can focus on the other things you want to do, or things you didn't have time to do. While being injured ain't great, doing things like cleaning, thinking up ideas, doing creative stuff or calling an old pal will definitely make things better and should help take your mind off your loneliness and addiction. I'm sure you'll definitely find something to do even if you think you ran out of stuff, making a list of things will definitely help with tracking what you could be doing and helping you choose while you are recovering. Hang in there mate I trust you to get better, if things get more stressful don't be afraid to come back here again to post.
Thank you sunny, cleaning is off the table as the doctor wants me to keep off my feet.