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Any bookworms around ?

thewintershadow December 6th, 2020

I read a lot so that I give my brain something to do and I'm just wondering if anyone else here is into this type of thing.

Any books you currently read? Any favorites? What genres do you like?

generousPerson3213 February 24th, 2021

I'm an avid reader as well , anything from theology, scifi, to bio's. I like period novels as well. Bronte, Fitzgerald.. anything to do with exestenstialim , philosophy, to guilty pleasure like tawdry silly salosious books like Jackie Collins type books. I'm a huge Stephen King fan , koontz. Since quarantine, I've been reading Sylvia Plath her novel I guess everyone has read but me in highschool or being an undergrad "The Bell Jar" and Virginia Wolfe, Wally Lamb .. so I guess I read what resonates with my emotional state at the current time. I'm new here, so please if you are still apart of the group share or recommend. Thank you

chickensandwich1 March 26th, 2021

I absolutely love to read. I have books galore that I haven't gone through yet, ha. Right now one of my favorites is The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali. I read fiction, cozy mysteries, urban fantasy. I'm currently reading Bad Housekeeping (a cozy) by Maia Chance

bharry13 March 28th, 2021

I read a lot. I like a variety of books of types of fiction although lately I mostly seem to be hung up on reading romance, although some of those have mystery or thriller aspects to them as well.