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Is burnout really a thing???

rockedbottom36 October 11th, 2021

A few years ago my husband purchased a business without allowing me to have any say or be a part of it. Today I run it on the day to day, complete orders, make sure taxes are up to date and payroll is completed. His decision has made me put my own business on the back burner.

I am trying not to be resentful but he makes me feel terrible about the business choices I am forced to make. He has belittled me in front of my own staff and when I have asked him to take the reins he reminds me that he has a full time job.

I didn’t ask for this and I can’t seem to untangle myself from this massive web I didn’t weave.

ManinblacK October 12th, 2021

@rockedbottom36 I'm sorry, at least you took one step of saying it here. Sometimes just saying a problem out loud or writing helps me... At least to get a different perspective of it.

I hope that you can figure out how to improve your situation ☺️

selfdisciplinedPal2380 October 13th, 2021


Hi there,

I am really sorry to hear that. It sounds really horrible for making you work on the things when you already had so many on your plate and he shamed you in front of your staff.

I had a burnout about 5 years ago after I work like a slave in Singapore for 9 years. I stayed in a country I don't want to live in at all and it took a toll on me mentally. Not only, I am having a mental breakdown, I lost the job, I lost friends, I was left with a big debt in bank. Oh...forgot to mentioned I could not even think of design anymore. The problem is not only I keep it bottled up whenever I did not like something, or I don't have the courage to say the things I don't like to others. I think it has become a habit to become a goody two shoes in front of others. I regret I am not being honest with others or say "no" to others when I don't feel like it. When you said no, even if the others disappointed, they have to deal with our no. I read it in the book by Dr. Henry Cloud (Changes to Heal). It got to do with knowing boundary as an adult. You are not alone in this..

diligentDay1980 October 13th, 2021

I can certainly relate to your story. I married into a family business. When my mother-in-law passed away, all of her responsibilities fell into my lap with the company. I didn't ask for it. I didn't have a choice, it was what was expected. I am going on 11 years now. I briefly left the company during covid to work elsewhere to help pay the bills while things were slow, but I am back at it again feeling resentful that I had to gave up my goals for my husband's dreams. I often wonder when it will be my turn? Burnout is a thing, and sometimes it's so hard to face the day. Hang in there and know that you are not alone!

ItsAng October 16th, 2021

I’m sorry you are expected to live out your husband’s dreams. No one should be belittling you, especially someone you love.