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Conversation friends

Twocusmile30 May 18th, 2023

Looking for a friend to trust and confide in with my problems.

uniqueGrace8272 May 18th, 2023

There are listeners available here you can chat with them and vent or share your problems. hopefully you will find many amazing and trust worthy friends here my friend. you can also post in our forums and get the support you need. hope you have a nice time here in our amazing community.

purplelady568 May 20th, 2023

@Twocusmile30 - Hi there. Thanks for reaching out and looking for someone to talk to. There are volunteer listeners here, who are available to chat anytime, 24/7. You can go here to find one -

You can also search for those who have experience with different topics, like depression, anxiety, relationships, financial stress, family issues, whatever you would like to talk about. I hope you find someone to connect with soon!

golfnut4683 May 24th, 2023

@Twocusmile30. If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you no matter what it is. Maybe we could share stories.

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Thanks, Hopefully I can contribute and help out others in return. Basically, whatever problems I have helping someone else makes me feel better about all my situations.

Melishere09 May 24th, 2023

Here to talk

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Thanks, I hope I can return the favor.

empathicPresence9091 May 25th, 2023


Hey! I'm looking for friends on here too 😁

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Great, I'm glad to meet you. Hopefully, we can start to build something great.

KaylaMarie8156 June 7th, 2023


empathicPresence9091 May 25th, 2023

Hey! I'm looking for friends on here too 😁

maishabilkis May 25th, 2023

Sure I'm here text me up

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Twocusmile30 OP May 28th, 2023

Thanks everyone, glad to see anyone noticed. Glad to be heard like someone cared. The times I need to talk I am alone with the person I love in the same room.

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

My wife is supposed to be there. Who else? I don't understand. I feel lost. I feel alone. I feel too. Seems to her I have none of these emotions. If I do they do not matter. If they matter they are ignored or cannot be repeated when asked. Resolution is a sci-fi made up imaginary word in our relationship. She laughs, smiles, and you can hear the happiness in her voice at my pain, hurt, failure, or misfortune. When I help her with simple situations she turns it around on me. My stuff is hers, her stuff is hers, and everything belongs to her. When her stuff needs attention then and only then is it "ours" but only temporarily until it's fixed and then it suddenly is all hers again. If I have spending money "it" becomes "ours" but if I need help I have to be worthy. Sorry, still no. Reasons endless. Her endless lies, deception, and exaggeration of events/details. How do I live with it?

Thousands of healthy choices and some how this is where I find myself.

It is what it is. Solution is to find healthy Christian couples I can love like family. I'm sure they don't just read the Bible all day. Hopefully, find some that share a common interest outside the house of worship.

Alianasprings June 1st, 2023

@Twocusmile30 I know exactly how it feels. I am not married but this can happen in any relationship and this has happened with me in a friendship. She's my best friend. She's supposed to be there when I need her but she likes to see me in pain . I feel suffocated when I am near to her . But I can't break our friendship. I have to bear it all in the end . I get blamed for every little mistake. According to her , if I am struggling then also it's my fault.

I understand you totally. How someone can be next to you but still you'll feel alone. I know how it feels when u know someone very deeply but oneday they become a strange to you . I am here to listen to you . You can also join group chats. People are great here.

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Thanks, it does and I don't understand why but hearing someone understands, that they been through similar situations, and I'm not alone helps.

Alianasprings June 1st, 2023

@Twocusmile30 Yeah sure it does helps . I hope everything Gets better for you soon. People that matter to you can affect you a lot .

GracieMiller June 3rd, 2023

I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty in your marriage. Is your spouse not open to marriage counseling? Is separation completely off the table as an option?

It really sounds like you're in an emotionally abusive relationship. I hate to see people suffer through. I don't feel that was God's intention for marriage.

trueconfidant123 June 8th, 2023

Hey @Twocusmile30, feel free to connect and message me anytime. I will make sure to revert and make you feel comfortable. I hope you are doing well. Hugs! 😊