I am tired. I’m just tired of always having to second guess what my family thinks of me. I live with them because I’m working on my future by studying and I can’t afford to live by myself. But I constantly struggle not knowing if they’re judging me or not. I guess it shouldn’t matter right? I’m an adult. But living with them makes it hard not to care. I long for their acceptance and it’s always falling short. I just feel distant from them. But it’s not my fault. I didn’t create the toxic environment in my home, they did. I wish I could move out. I want to have a relationship with them still but not live under the same roof. I can’t wait for the day that I can afford that. Sometimes life feels exhausting. Just an issue right after the other. I just need to vent so I don’t keep it in. My partner also struggles with family issues and honestly even worse ones. I am just exhausted of how draining everything has been lately. People cause unnecessary drama where there shouldn’t be any. Making people around them have a harder time than necessary. I just want things to get better but as long as I live under that roof it’s gonna be this way. I guess I just have to focus on myself and getting ahead.
@hopefuldreamer334 Waiting is hard especially when people around make it super difficult to stay. Distance is something that I'm sure many people desire and as you mentioned, it's not letting go but just loving from a distance while keeping our peace safe.
You're not falling short anywhere and you already belong. You belong with all those who are trying their best, you belong with all those who are working for a better future. This is your trying phase<3 The most difficult phase I'd say ^^ And it can feel like forever too but it won't be forever. You'll make it out of here, allow yourself the kindness to believe that. It's okay to need some help, it's okay to be still while you're working on your next step. You can and you will make it out and have your own place. You're already doing so great.
Hey! Stay strong! I know it feels really rough right now, but you can do it. I was in a very similar situation when I was younger. I didn't handle it well. I didn't know how to set boundaries or stick up for myself. I sort of let myself drown in my family's issues. I didn't realize how much I let it get to me until it was too late. I really regret not putting myself first back then. At the time I thought that it was selfish somehow. Now I realize it wouldn't have been. You need to take care of yourself first. Sometimes our families, even without realizing it, can hold us back from trying to be the best version of ourselves. Sometimes we let our families get in our way. I don't know if that is true for you, but I know that when I was younger I didn't realize how much of my power I was handing over to my family. I thought I was helping them, but I was just ignoring myself. A quote that helps me now is 'don't let your empathy be stronger than your boundaries.' You have to focus on you. Hopefully you can get out of your situation soon. I know it's tough financially, but maybe living with roommates in a *** place might be better. I stayed at home for financial reasons and the environment killed my spirit. My sister lived in a small apartment with too many roommates that she hated, but now she is a professor. I'm still dealing with the way I let my life get off track. I hope your situation doesn't drain you too much! I hope you can find some way to cope! Just remember that you will get out of there some day. I lost hope in that and I sort of gave up. Don't give up. You will get out of that situation someday! It may take a while, and it may seem really far away right now, but don't lose hope! I hope things improve for you!
Thank you so much ❤️ you are right, we must take care of ourselves and it’s not selfish. I was that way too and I’ve gotten a lot better but it’s all a journey and I’m sure it’ll all improve with time. I can’t control what others do but I can control the way I handle and react to it. It’s true that family will not always know what is best for you, they are experiencing life as themselves and you have to do the same